ex police question
Post 128944 by akky on 2006-07-26 08:52:27
Why is a 54 plate explod t5 with 60k miles on the clock at least 10k lower than what you would pay for on the forecourt.
Surely if you were to get it painted properley including engine bay and get the interior up to spec, would this really cost you 10k to do?
a friend has seen a couple of explods (one on ebay a salvage for 2.8k) and even repairing it would only cost him just over 2k, leaving one hell of a motor for 5 grand.
thoughts on this appreciated.
Post 128948 by BrightonBreezy on 2006-07-26 09:42:27
I agree that ex-plods are very often a bargain. 60k is very low mileage for an ex-plod.
My own ex-plod, a 2001 phase-2 V70 in silver cost me £4k 18 months ago. The suspension was very worn so I had most components replaced & upgraded - cost nearly £1k. A nearly-new black leather interior cost me £400. I've probably spent a further £300 on CD player, 17" alloys and miscellaneous.
So a total of less than £6k compared to a dealer's forecourt price of £10-11k. Go figure.
And the car has been perfectly reliable since the day I drove it home.
Ex-plod's can be a bit of a lottery and they certainly aren't treated as someone's pride and joy when working. Howvever, most people who have actually had one are very happy and would agree that they're definitely a bargain.
Post 128954 by DONKEYT5 on 2006-07-26 10:16:00
I paid, 4500 for an ex plod 02 plate v70p2 and so far it has only had a new slave cylinder on the clutch which was covered by warranty, and it had 116k miles on the clock. belting motor, by the time i have got my stage 2 and full exhaust and possible respray done,(different colour) its still cheaper than one ona forecourt that aint ex plod!!
Post 128955 by volvotuning on 2006-07-26 10:21:29
[QUOTE=akky]Why is a 54 plate explod t5 with 60k miles on the clock at least 10k lower than what you would pay for on the forecourt.
Surely if you were to get it painted properley including engine bay and get the interior up to spec, would this really cost you 10k to do?
a friend has seen a couple of explods (one on ebay a salvage for 2.8k) and even repairing it would only cost him just over 2k, leaving one hell of a motor for 5 grand.
thoughts on this appreciated.
Because most of them have been ragged to death. Quetsion to ask yourself is why would the police force get rid of the car at 60K when most are got rid of around the 100K mark?
Post 128957 by Mrsmopp on 2006-07-26 10:34:50
Another thing to bear in mind, it will always have the "ex-police" stigma so whilst it will be a bargain for you to buy in the first place it will also continue to depreciate quicker. It will always have high miles that puts the average buyer off, doesn't have all the toys, which a large proportion of the "volvo buyer" is looking for.
When all said and done its an opportunity to buy a much newer car on a budget
Post 128972 by dreadly on 2006-07-26 11:26:38
[quote=volvotuning]Because most of them have been ragged to death. Quetsion to ask yourself is why would the police force get rid of the car at 60K when most are got rid of around the 100K mark?
Given the way most people on here drive them i.e. number of Nips issued...
They should feel right at home :)
The police force do occasionally get rid of cars earlier than they normally would for various reasons.
Post 128990 by Cueball_MOB on 2006-07-26 12:44:40
[QUOTE=Mrsmopp] When all said and done its an opportunity to buy a much newer car on a budget [/QUOTE]
I've got an ex-plod V70 T5 Phase 2 and got it for £3800 with tints and Moppy is quite right in my case. I'm on a very tight budget and wanted to do some work myself. Nothing major but more cosmetic touches. The fact that the interior is rough allows me to do this without worrying about ballsing it all up.
Saying that though it's in the garage (under warranty) cos it was having oil pressure problems. Picking it up this afternoon though :santa:
I've missed my baby!
Post 129038 by poochingaround on 2006-07-26 15:41:28
The one with 60K on the clock is a salvage vehicle which has extensive front end damage .
Post 129296 by Wobbly Dave on 2006-07-27 00:19:29
I've said this many times before. Buying ex-plod is a lottery and I believe that the odds (particularly for new to Volvo/ T5 peeps) are stacked against you.
Specs are generally poor.
Holes in roofs and missing radios are common
They are worked hard by the plod and histories can be difficult to disclose
Re-selling is difficult too for the reasons MrsMopp pointed out.
Initial outlay is low for the year but it is generally found that restoration is more expensive.
Go in with eyes wide open and with this in mind. I personally wouldnt buy one but if you want the younger car for little dough then maybe, just maybe (but not recommended) you can buy one. If I absolutely had to I would buy one 2nd owner after the police. That way the first person will probably have sorted most of the faults (possibly)
Post 129361 by Cueball_MOB on 2006-07-27 08:04:20
I'm begining to feel like those of us with ex-plod are 2nd class citizens :finger:
Post 129363 by DONKEYT5 on 2006-07-27 08:10:09
I wouldnt worry mate, people have opinions about certain cars etc, thats fine, but at least we all know the c70 is better at handbrake turns!!
At the end of the day, its each to there own,and I love my ex plod, for being explod, i know it aint gonna be show room quality, but for 5 grand, no car is, and its still one of the later volvos, with the later technology, 250 bhp engine etc........ It aint what you got its the way you drive it, (if you can handle the power that is):wink:
Post 129365 by Cueball_MOB on 2006-07-27 08:18:16
Plus - The kids love the fact it's ex-plod, they've told all their mates they have a fast police car LOL. Also, if I had something shiny, buffed and polished straight from the dealer I don't think I'd risk the 'fun' I've been having with mine or be able to chuck stuff in the back for the tip like I do. It's like having a top of the range stereo and not being able to afford any CD's!
But I do accept that there are downsides, like mine still being in the garage, but hey - all cars breakdown sometime. (I need a breakdown smiley adding?!?) :)
Post 129366 by Cueball_MOB on 2006-07-27 08:18:52
LMAO @ Don's new Sig
Post 129385 by BrightonBreezy on 2006-07-27 09:53:18
[QUOTE=Cueball_MOB]Plus - The kids love the fact it's ex-plod, they've told all their mates they have a fast police car LOL.[/QUOTE]
Lol. My kids are exactly the same.
Ex-plods are not for everyone. If, like Wobbly, your main hobby is polishing your pride & joy, then an ex-working car is never going to make the grade.
I'm not convinced that police cars are "lower spec". Mine has ALL the safety features, the most advanced traction control option and uprated brakes. Plus all the normal stuff like air-conditioning.
I had to install a CD player and I chose to swap the cloth interior for a leather one (cheap and easy to do). There's no cruise-control or heated seats - do I care?
In buying a ex-plod car, I got a modern, comfortable, high-performance, very versatile family car for the price of a crappy Ford Focus. And the kids love it!
Post 129422 by nurvware on 2006-07-27 14:22:58
I'm an Explod driver, 2001, £4650 with tints and it even has a stereo.
From a 1.6 astra about 90bhp to a 250bhp fun bus with plenty of leg room and as massive boot is enough luxury for me.
Mods include 2 magnetic ariels at the rear of the car. Now i spend my journey to and from work traveling at between 70 - 80mph and watching 95% of people come almost along side, then pull in behind and sit there.
It makes me laugh, and also makes getting out of bed in morning worth it when you pull out to the 3rd lane, excelerate and 5 cars follow in a convoy and then pull in again when i slow down.
Post 129424 by Wobbly Dave on 2006-07-27 14:49:02
[QUOTE=Cueball_MOB]I'm begining to feel like those of us with ex-plod are 2nd class citizens :finger:
That saddens me if you think that - that was not my intention. As long as you are aware of the risks then who am I to stop you. I personally dont favour them but that is only my opinion.
Post 129426 by BrightonBreezy on 2006-07-27 14:52:07
I have Volvo sun blinds on the rear passenger windows to protect my young sons from the sun but it also means other traffic can't see them. Sometimes I deliberately wear a white shirt, wait for someone to overtake quickly then pull-out behind them. The kids are in the back going "weeooo, weeooo" and the poor sucker in front ****s himself(I particular target Porsche drivers). Hilarious.
I hadn't realised Volvo's could be so much fun.
Post 129432 by T-5ones on 2006-07-27 15:10:46
And here was me thinking it was my party trick! Such fun, esp with chavs in saxos.
It all started when I once had some blue pipe insulation on the crossbars on the roof rack for my bike, hadn't got round to taking it off and wondered why everyone was behaving them selves!:cop:
Post 129441 by Rufe on 2006-07-27 17:58:20
[QUOTE=Cueball_MOB]I'm begining to feel like those of us with ex-plod are 2nd class citizens :finger:
not second class citizens, but its no secret that the ex police cars are generally bargains for a reason. they are usually well serviced, but as said, theres no denying that they are a low spec and will have a hard driven high mileage, and most tend to have had body repairs at some stage, most i know of down the police force we deal with have had multiple accidents in their service, though there wouldnt really be any record of this sort of thing i wouldn't have thought. they are a low spec because the police buy them for a massive discount compared to what joe public would be able to buy them for.
Post 129477 by tangomike24 on 2006-07-27 20:23:28
[QUOTE=BrightonBreezy]Lol. My kids are exactly the same.
Ex-plods are not for everyone. If, like Wobbly, your main hobby is polishing your pride & joy, then an ex-working car is never going to make the grade.
I'm not convinced that police cars are "lower spec". Mine has ALL the safety features, the most advanced traction control option and uprated brakes. Plus all the normal stuff like air-conditioning.
I had to install a CD player and I chose to swap the cloth interior for a leather one (cheap and easy to do). There's no cruise-control or heated seats - do I care?
In buying a ex-plod car, I got a modern, comfortable, high-performance, very versatile family car for the price of a crappy Ford Focus. And the kids love it![/QUOTE]
i was talking with the fleet manager of Surrey police today and the p2 v70's like all marked police cars have to be approved by the home office. Due to the amount of cars that volvo produce for the u.k police forces they build them to a home office spec. Its the same with the vectras and omegas ect. He was also telling me that they quite often get rid of cars prior to their working millage limit for many reasons. Most of the reasons being body work. If the car has had a hard slap during a TPAC for example, then it will be repaired and moved on.
Not sure how true this is but apparently the T5, are purchased for 8k plus the VAT. I will have a new one please..........
Post 129479 by poochingaround on 2006-07-27 20:28:02
Bought my ex plod private ,haven,t had any problems absolutely love the car .Don,t be put off.
Post 129547 by siamblue on 2006-07-27 23:00:13
[QUOTE=poochingaround]Bought my ex plod private ,haven,t had any problems absolutely love the car .Don,t be put off.[/QUOTE]
Well i still miss my T5 like crazy, loved the raw power, the seats were more comfortable than my clammy alcantara leather ones i know have, and i won't even mention fuel consumption :troutslap
all my new car has compared to my old one is basically a sunroof, trip comp and elec seats that i have never used, plus a lip on the front spoiler,
Post 129554 by DONKEYT5 on 2006-07-27 23:07:48
I have Volvo sun blinds on the rear passenger windows to protect my young sons from the sun but it also means other traffic can't see them. Sometimes I deliberately wear a white shirt, wait for someone to overtake quickly then pull-out behind them. The kids are in the back going "weeooo, weeooo" and the poor sucker in front ****s himself(I particular target Porsche drivers). Hilarious.
I hadn't realised Volvo's could be so much fun.[/QUOTE]
part of my workin uniform is a kevlar bullet/stab resistant vest, and strangely my volvo has odd lights on it......nuff said:haha:
Post 129618 by BrightonBreezy on 2006-07-28 11:03:32
[QUOTE=tangomike24]... He was also telling me that they quite often get rid of cars prior to their working millage limit for many reasons. Most of the reasons being body work. If the car has had a hard slap during a TPAC for example, then it will be repaired and moved on.
Not sure how true this is but apparently the T5, are purchased for 8k plus the VAT. I will have a new one please..........
For that reason, I'd be very suspicious of an ex-plod with a low mileage, anything less than 120k in four years.
I heard that the poilce pay about 14k for a V70 T5. That's still more than 10k under book.