Post 142089 by DavieC on 2006-09-13 20:21:44
Someone help,
I have a P2 V70 2001. Had the car for six months, and am most pleased with it.
But was really is starting to nip my head is a squeaking and knocking sound coming from the front nearside of the car.
It happens when going over bumps for example drain covers. I put the car to Arnold Crap who said, that'll be you're wishbone sir, £400 please". Got them changed, but it still knocked. Took it back to Arnold Crap again "ah that's your anti roll bar links £70 a side".
I changed the links myself £30 from Partco. But guess what?? The knocking and squeak is still there. I had changed the engine top mount to a poly bush after reading that this could be a possible cause, but still the knocking and squeak remain.
I have looked and checked but can't see or find anything obvious. Could it be that I really should be using Volvo drop links?? So it's over to you. Any help or guidance will be most welcome.
Post 142090 by T5ER on 2006-09-13 20:23:43
poss sounds like shock absorber top mounts mate
Post 142104 by fraz13 on 2006-09-13 20:48:14
I know how you feel, mine is driving me insane at the moment, new anti roll bar drop links, a beak pad was loose thats fixed, looks like the top mounts but I think the bonnet makes noise too, am pullin ma hair out.......
Post 142105 by Justin on 2006-09-13 20:51:28
Top mount that sits in the gap at the top of the bulk head, real annoying pain in the ass, drove me nuts for weeks :(
90% thats what it is :)
Post 142630 by Nathlm on 2006-09-15 00:35:44
Justin you didn't see the car is a P2 so it must be the other 10% !
How may miles has the car covered ?
Probably Top Strut Mount (Cheap at circa £24) or a Worn Shock Absorber.
(Can't be bothered to log out and log in !)
Post 142657 by rgracin on 2006-09-15 10:03:01
Still got the same problem with my P2 (see other threads).
Changed wishbones wich were knackered & drop links, likewise. Was all fine for about 500 miles, but now back to 'normal'. I'm 99% sure it's the top mounts and not the shocks, but will change both whilst it's all apart. At least it'll be all new up front anyway!!
Hamish, how much for top mounts and shocks? 2001 P2 V70 T5.