The 850 Golden Non-Starting Rules


Post 158094 by Paullyp on 2006-11-02 14:58:52

As winter approaches the likliehood of our motor non-starting increases.If your car fails to start, and you have checked the basics, ie has petrol and battery is charged, I have set out the following, as a checklist that ANY owner can do before you call the garage.. 1. Check to see if you have a spark at plugs.. if so,coilpack and leads ok. If no spark at plugs...In order of probability Fuel rail relay( part no 3545803) or the manifold absolute pressure sensor or connection, both located under radiator cowling , this will cause intermittent starting, sometimes months will pass. Symptoms are, car not starting, and then starts later on or next day, without any problems.Then flywheel sensor, lasts approx 125,000 to 150,000 miles usually, then camshaft position sensor. 2. If you have a spark and still does not start, check you are getting fuel. If not check fuses and relay and pump for activation noise. 3. Remove ecu and clean connections, you can attempt to reset the ecu by disconnecting the battery for 24 hours, remove ecu if doing this. (best calling me first for clarification...methinks) 4.We know that there are other factors, injectors, split or damaged hoses or pipework,timing etc etc. What I have written above (longwinded I know) are the tried and tested methods and sequence, REMEMBER most starting issues will not show up during a diagnostic, and you will still have to pay the garage, check all of the above and fix or fit to the best of your skills if your car still doesn't start AT LEAST you will have eliminated some of the problem areas.PHEW...ANY PROBS GET ME

Post 158098 by shaun850 on 2006-11-02 15:55:03

Nice one, very usefull :) Should be a sticky!

Post 158103 by Paullyp on 2006-11-02 17:15:27

[QUOTE=shaun850]Nice one, very usefull :) Should be a sticky![/QUOTE] Whats a sticky /, I assume thats why it was removed,P.:Handshake

Post 158105 by shaun850 on 2006-11-02 17:22:01

sticky means that the thread will always appear at the top of the list and never dissapear :)

Post 158106 by Paullyp on 2006-11-02 17:30:10

Ah I live and learn, cheers,PImage

Post 158108 by Paullyp on 2006-11-02 17:37:30

Just a thought, the last time I advertised my 850t5 on e-bay, I was getting over 350 hits a day, Cosworths and Subarus don't come close, maybe there is life in the old dawg yet.....ubetcha

Post 158112 by T-5ones on 2006-11-02 18:40:23

the last time I advertised my 850t5 on e-bay, I was getting over 350 hits a day,
Naa, it was us lot being nosey! Only kidding!

Post 158135 by nobananas on 2006-11-02 20:12:16

Good tips there but some people may fall at the first hurdle. Might be an idea to instruct peeps how to check for a spark at the plugs.

Post 158140 by Justin on 2006-11-02 20:22:37

Excellent mate, great write up :)

Post 158143 by Paullyp on 2006-11-02 20:45:57

[QUOTE=nobananas]Good tips there but some people may fall at the first hurdle. Might be an idea to instruct peeps how to check for a spark at the plugs.[/QUOTE] Hence the reason I included my e-mail address...wee boys whit are you like.:haha: