Post 160210 by Adge on 2006-11-10 16:26:31
Was browsing another Volvo website and came across a solution to the loose spring/broken peg problem associated with non-functioning front electric seats. As we know, seats can be moved by holding lever to which spring is attached forwards to make contact with a micro-switch. With the lever held in this position the 1,2,3, and memory buttons will work. If the wire on the micro switch is held down with tape etc this saves holding the lever down and using the other hand for buttons. Back to almost normal working. Instead of tape I used a self-adhesive pad attached to the side of the seat frame, close enough to the switch to hold it down. Really pleased with it. Using button 3 I can now set it to go right forward and then tip the seat forward to allow rear access. Put seat back back and set seat to where I want it. It seems Volvo have dimensions to drill a hole from outside the frame and insert a screw to hold the switch in the closed position. A long explanation but might be useful to someone in same predicament as me!