Post 16207 by mailee on 2005-04-20 00:04:53
OK, who can tell me which wheels are really which. The original Volvo alloy wheels came in two guises Columba and Perfo. I think that is the right spelling. Now as far as I can work out the Columba wheels were fitted on the 850 T5's and the Perfo on the later V70's The Columba were four spoke with more rounded lines to the wheels and the Perfo had more square lines to the wheels. Wish I had some pics for you but alas I haven't. I ask as I have seen some on ebay that state they are Columba but in fact look like the Perfo's. Now I am confused? Anyone help?
Post 16211 by siamblue on 2005-04-20 00:13:33
If you put a pic or link up on here,People will tell you straight away what they are,You are correct in what you say though,S & V70s.
Post 16215 by glock19 on 2005-04-20 00:42:08
Columbia and Perfo both have 5 spokes. The Perfo is for the V70 and the edges of the spoke is sharper compared to Columbia. Some poser in E-bay sometimes do not know what they are posting actually.
Post 16232 by mailee on 2005-04-20 06:27:24
Here are the pics with the names as I think, if I am correct.
Post 16233 by mailee on 2005-04-20 06:40:51
Ok guys, that is four attempts I have had at uploading the pics and I can't seem to get the hang of it, I give in. :wallbash:
Post 16266 by Wobbly Dave on 2005-04-20 10:52:12
Attached pics have a limited max size - is this the problem?
Post 16297 by Unknown on 2005-04-20 13:16:35
Convert to jpgs and try again ?
Post 16318 by enrm6 on 2005-04-20 16:00:15
Does this help?
850 T5 = Columba
70 T5 (early) = Perfo
Post 16321 by d14vd_h on 2005-04-20 16:09:14
you are correct
im looking at the wheels on ebay myself- guy says theyr are columba but they are perfo or vice versa. let me know if your bidding so we dot get into a bidding war :troutslap
Post 16337 by pzorb on 2005-04-20 16:39:18
I'm sure I read somewhere that the v70 ones allowed bigger front brakes and also weighed less than their 850 counterparts, anyone know if that's true? If so they'd make a nice upgrade to an 850 in terms of performance what with them being easier to spin and you wouldn't have to tell the insurance company anything at all (elephant told me that even if i change my alloys to another volvo set i still have to increase my premium but with these they surely couldn't spot the difference?)
Plus of course you could fit a bigger brake set...?
Post 16365 by JackT5 on 2005-04-20 19:06:52
[QUOTE=siamblue]If you put a pic or link up on here,People will tell you straight away what they are,You are correct in what you say though,S & V70s.[/QUOTE]
Unless it's an ex-police 850, most of which had the Perfo's.
Post 16374 by Unknown on 2005-04-20 19:53:37
[QUOTE=pzorb]I'm sure I read somewhere that the v70 ones allowed bigger front brakes and also weighed less than their 850 counterparts, anyone know if that's true?[/QUOTE]
never heard about them weighing less but heard several times that 302mm brakes will only fit behind S/V70's & not behind 850's 16's because of clearance for the spacered calipers
Post 16413 by mailee on 2005-04-20 22:24:42
Yes that is exactly what I thought the early ones are the Columbia and the later ones the Perfo's. As for bidding on e-bay no I am not d14dv-h. Just wanted to make sure I knew which was which. I actually like the earlier ones to the later ones don't know if I am in the minority there. thanks again guys.
Post 16436 by Wobbly Dave on 2005-04-20 23:57:26
I was talking to Mark @ Salvo - he has some 2nd hand 302 stuff in stock.
Not really required unless you plan to start racing/braking with the same severity as the traffic boys.
Post 16627 by Unknown on 2005-04-21 22:16:42
I once saw a list of all of the original rims for volvo complete with pictures. Buggered if I could find the link in my many hundreds of bookmarks - eventually found a print out with the URL on in my car folder.... here you go boys.
Post 16628 by nobananas on 2005-04-21 22:17:33
Salvo want £100 ! for their 'upgrade kit'. 302mm caliper carriers, second hand discs and second hand pads. Would any of you fit second hand discs and pads to your motors ? They wouldn't sell me just the carriers though. You have made me worry though:
a: will 302 mm discs and spaced out calipers fit inside columba wheels ?
b: why do all the wheels have names like a brand of condoms ?
Answer to 'a' is more important...thanks.
Post 16680 by enrm6 on 2005-04-22 09:20:36
a: will 302 mm discs and spaced out calipers fit inside columba wheels ?
Answer to 'a' is more important...thanks.[/QUOTE]
Columba's, No. Perfo's, Yes.