Post 170322 by MrP on 2008-07-28 11:04:01
i could really do with some advice on how to proceed with my bi-fuel (factory fitted LPG)
had it over 12 months now, and covered 30,000 miles in it, ever since we had it, i get some hesitation when accelerating (9sometimes its hardly noticeable, other times it actally slows down before picking up again)
and i get like a misfire at certain RPM's (seems worse 2000-2500rpm)
i am getting a local LPG place to look at it, but is anyone on here really clued up on them??
if so, any ideas what these problems might be caused by, and what the costs might be (apart from large!)
Post 170415 by itguy on 2008-07-28 17:57:18
Sounds like a MAF issue to me - I had very similar issues on my car (T5, not LPG converted) before I changed mine.
A few basics - does the car do the same on petrol as well as LPG?
Have you plugged in a OBD2 reader into the car and seen what the long term fuel trims are set at?
Is the MAF in your car a genuine Bosch one or does it not have any markings on it?
If you're local to me I'm happy to give you a hand to diagnose with my OBD2 reader if you wish...
Post 170416 by itguy on 2008-07-28 17:57:48
Oh... and everything else like Plugs/Leads/Dizzycap all in good order?
Post 170465 by entwisi on 2008-07-28 20:51:02
yep, LPG is fussy about the ignition system get these checked first, then it may just need 'tuning' to ensure its fuelling accurately throughout teh rev range. a specialist will basically connnect a laptop and go for a drive so they can see how its fuelling throughout the rev range in different driving scenarios. They should be able to see if there are any issues.
Post 170558 by MrP on 2008-07-29 10:07:08
car runs fine on petrol.
i did have the engine codes checked and i was showing to have a coil going on on cyl 5, which was replaced.
the problem eased a little, but it still persists.
the guys i have it booked in with suggested that it may just need adjusting in which case i would be a very happy chappy, but with the car on 75,000 miles, i am worrying thats its the distributor.
ITguy, i love for you to have a look, but unfortunately i'm in sunderland, so its a bit of a trek down the leicester mate!