Post 181822 by pangster on 2008-09-13 13:15:07
I've just this minute changed the tie bar mount (small bush) for a a Powerflex uprated mount and thought i'd pull this 'how to' together - I was swapping the bush into a brand new tie bar so i had to cut the existing rubber out - depending on the condition of your existing mount - you may or may not need to cut it out - if you do i strongly recommend a Dremel/Dremel type device with a drill/cutting bit and also a sanding bit. Powerflex tie bar bush (small): I bought my bush from Parts For Volvo's.. the box stated it was for an S60 and Powerflex only list the S60 part on their website - so I called PFV and they confirmed it was the same part for pretty much every Volvo! lol!.. Tools required/used: 14mm socket 14mm spanner Dremmel (strongly recommended) or power drill STEP 1: Using your socket and spanner, undo the bolt that passes through the middle of the smaller mount. STEP 2: Using your Dremel or other cutting tool of choice - carefully cut away the existing rubber mount - be careful not to damage the outer casing. This mount appears to be set in place and not pressed in like other mounts - so their is no quick way to do this (i.e. no reinforced plastic casing to cut) - just take your time and be methodical. STEP 3: After I removed the majority of the old rubber mount and the centre metal sleeve - I switched to a sanding bit on my Dremel and worked round the rest of the mount removing any residual debris. STEP 4: Take the supplied copper grease and smear a thin film in the inside of the mount. Insert one half of the Powerflex bush into the mount and then insert the other half of the mount. Smear a thin film of copper grease onto the metal sleeve and then press this through Powerflex bush. STEP 5: Reassemble Poweflex bush in tie bar and tighten bolt using your 14mm spanner and 14mm socket. JOB DONE!..