How To Clean/Recharge K&N Panel Filter


Post 200514 by pangster on 2008-12-08 19:26:11

I got my K&N "Recharge" kit through, so thought I'd put a quick 'how to' together for other people as I know some people are nervous around oiling panel filters too much due to potential damage to MAFs etc. This is not intended to replace the instructions or guidance you receive with the kit or form the K&N website, but should hopefully supplement it. K&N Filter Recharge Kit (p/n: 99-5050): Image K&N Filter Recharge Kit consists of: 1 x K&N Air Filter Cleaner (355ml) 1 x K&N Air Filter Oil (237 ml) Other item's you'll need: Rubber or latex gloves Soft bristle brush (i.e. paint brush) Kitchen towel/absorbent cloth Throughout this post i'll refer to 'Clean Side' and 'Dirty Side' - please see below pictures which will help you differentiate between the two: Clean Side (Top): Image Dirty Side (Bottom): Image Step 1: Shake the K&N panel filter gently to dislodge any dirt/dust leaves etc. Then turn the K&N panel filter so that the dirty side is facing up. Raise one side of the panel (so it's on a gradient) and take your soft bristle brush. Gently brush down the pleats from top to bottom, cleaning any smaller bits of dirty and grime. Image Step 2: Once all the dirty/debris visible has been swept from the filter pleats. Place the K&N panel in a sink/basin and apply K&N Air Filter Cleaner liberally to both sides (clean side and dirty side). Leave the filter to absorb the cleaner for around 10-15 minutes. [COLOR="Red"]DO NOT ALLOW THE CLEANER TO DRY ON THE FILTER[/COLOR] Image Step 3: After allowing the air filter cleaning solution to work for 10-15 minutes - Ensure the K&N Panel filter has the clean side facing up (towards you) and rinse (thoroughly) under a cool low pressure washer source i.e. garden hose/gently running cold tap. Again try to hold the filter at an angle so the water runs down each of the pleats and off the end. Image Step 4: After rinsing thoroughly place the K&N panel filter somewhere clean and dry (do not try to speed up the process by using a hardryer or any other alternative heating method) - this panel filter must be allowed to dry naturally. Image Image Step 5: Once the K&N Panel filter has tried completely (I left mine for 1 day and it was bone dry). You can apply the K&N Air Filter Oil. Turn the K&N Panel filter so that the dirty side is facing up. Take your K&N Air Filter oil squeeze bottle, and using the nib of the bottle as a guide, gently squeeze the bottle the full length along the crown of each pleat in turn (only do one pass of each pleat!). Image Image Image Step 6: Leave the panel (dirty side) facing up for 20-25 minutes. Then turn the panel over (clean side) and inspect oil saturation on filter - the aim is to have a solid, even covering of colour (red) - if there are any white spots/specs then turn the filter back over to the dirty side and apply the K&N oil filter to the necessary areas. Allow to saturate for 20-25 minutes and then turn back over to the clean side to inspect (repeat as necessary). Step 7: Once you have a thin, even application on the filter, Take your kitchen towel or cloth and wipe off any excess around the black seating/sealing rubber. Leave the filter to dry for as long as necessary and then reinstall in your car. Image Image Image HTH :)

Post 200515 by t5 pete on 2008-12-08 19:32:08

Hi paul as said before A**************************

Post 200529 by pangster on 2008-12-08 19:59:33

[quote=t5 pete;200515]Hi paul as said before A**************************[/quote] thanks mate! :)

Post 200540 by kyebosh on 2008-12-08 20:40:09

Nice One Paul, :B_thumb: Cheers, Alan

Post 200541 by mexybhouy on 2008-12-08 20:45:47

Done mine a few months ago, the crap that came off it was unbelievable! just checked it last week and the lovely re-oiled red filter is as bad as ever, filthy!!!!!!!!! don't seem to stay as clean as when factory oiled! did'nt over do the re oiling either!