Post 335130 by Santa on 2010-10-01 09:03:26
Took me a while to find this yesterday. To disable the Haldex and to basically reduce your car to FWD pull fuse 17 from the fuse box in the boot. Do this whilst the car is switched off. When you turn the car on you will get a complaint on the dash message screen stating the Anti Skid system needs a service, also the car will feel "weird" to drive. Highly recommended you don't do this for any length of time and don't apply to much power. (Especially whilst turning). To return to normal AWD state. Re-insert fuse 17 whilst the car is turned off. Please note that the above is the sum of my personal experience, I take no responsibility for any damaged caused doing the above and highly recommend this is not done unless you are trying to diagnose an issue with the haldex/awd system.