Presentation/Inauguration to Volvo Aviators


Post 354386 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 14:58:16

Just wondered what people thought about where & when to present the cheque to Emlyn? I am still on the tie - though at this rate it may end up being a pair of crash test dummy socks. Just the one other thing - I would like to say a massive thanks to J for organising the boards to make this secret donation possible. Feels great to be able to pay back at least a little of the generosity I received back in late 2005

Post 354402 by Santa on 2011-01-11 16:06:08

[quote=Wobbly Dave;354386]where & when to present the cheque to Emlyn?[/quote] Don't know but think it is probably better happening soon as he is already looking at new cars.

Post 354411 by Jamest5r on 2011-01-11 16:22:43

I think maybe next weekend?? Everyone that's going to donate will have done it by then. Was he not going to come over this way for a drink anyway? And then Justin could present the chq to him.

Post 354412 by t5 pete on 2011-01-11 16:23:50

the end of the month would be a good idea wobbly or sooner if a good ammount is reached and there doesnt seem to be any one else adding

Post 354415 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 16:35:28

I am just aware that a few members may be donating a bit later. There are at least 2 saying they need to for us to wait? It's a fine balance between waiting long enough to get all the money together & not waiting too long before Emlyn goes shopping!! Perhaps the weekend of the 22nd?

Post 354417 by Santa on 2011-01-11 16:39:31

[quote=Wobbly Dave;354415] Perhaps the weekend of the 22nd?[/quote] Sounds like an ideal date to me :-)

Post 354425 by Justin on 2011-01-11 16:59:30

I agree with Dave here, weekend of the 22nd works :)

Post 354432 by Flatout Phil on 2011-01-11 17:03:18

Just keep putting him off anything he says he is looking at!!!

Post 354435 by Santa on 2011-01-11 17:07:55

[quote=Flatout Phil;354432]Just keep putting him off anything he says he is looking at!!![/quote] You hear that noise....yeah that noise when the cars running.....its a bad one, walk away and leave it :-p

Post 354437 by Jamest5r on 2011-01-11 17:11:00

Me and smithy will drop the cash to you at the shop this sat if that's ok Justin. Please make it the sat so i can come along not the friday as im getting hitched unless your all coming to my receptionlol

Post 354438 by Santa on 2011-01-11 17:12:23

[quote=jamest5r;354437]unless your all coming to my receptionlol[/quote] That an invite?

Post 354447 by Justin on 2011-01-11 17:27:31

[quote=jamest5r;354437]Me and smithy will drop the cash to you at the shop this sat if that's ok Justin. Please make it the sat so i can come along not the friday as im getting hitched unless your all coming to my receptionlol[/quote] I dont normally work saturdays, but give me a call and ill meet you there :) Good luck Friday ;)

Post 354448 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 17:29:11

[quote=santa20;354438]That an invite?[/quote] I think it might well be ;) Mind you I think there has been enough crashing recently?

Post 354449 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 17:30:25

Well I think the RUSE can be meeting up for a drink to celebrate James's marriage? But how would we ensure that Emlyn turns up?

Post 354452 by Santa on 2011-01-11 17:36:42

[quote=Wobbly Dave;354449]Well I think the RUSE can be meeting up for a drink to celebrate James's marriage? But how would we ensure that Emlyn turns up?[/quote] Think someone might have to fetch him. Someone organises a meet I'm sure he will come

Post 354454 by Jamest5r on 2011-01-11 17:40:09

Will have to find out what shift pattern he is on, he works 4 on, 4 off i think.

Post 354455 by Santa on 2011-01-11 17:43:10

Well if I post on the Meets section proposing a meet on the 22nd and see if he bites?

Post 354456 by Justin on 2011-01-11 17:44:05

[quote=santa20;354455]Well if I post on the Meets section proposing a meet on the 22nd and see if he bites?[/quote] Genius, why didnt we think of that?

Post 354457 by Santa on 2011-01-11 17:44:57

[quote=Justin;354456]Genius, why didnt we think of that?[/quote] Not sure how I thought of it tbh :-)

Post 354470 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 17:55:26

I think he said he was working every weekend in Jan?? EDIT - just checked. Defo working weekends.

Post 354475 by Santa on 2011-01-11 18:00:57

hhhhmmmmm.....eeeerrrrrmmmmm......sure we will soon find out.

Post 354477 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 18:02:34

Hey it may still be a winner - depending on if evenings are out. But this is the RAF. They tend to start at 06:00 - where the '0' stands for 'OMG its early!!'

Post 354478 by p fandango on 2011-01-11 18:02:34

we have a bite gentlemen :partysmil

Post 354481 by Santa on 2011-01-11 18:03:47

Now will someone who knows more than me please take over the organisation of this plan lol

Post 354482 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 18:03:56

Indeed!! Just seen!

Post 354489 by Justin on 2011-01-11 18:06:56

[quote=santa20;354481]Now will someone who knows more than me please take over the organisation of this plan lol[/quote] Lmao, good job!

Post 354494 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-11 18:09:53

I love it when a plan comes together.

Post 354557 by Jamest5r on 2011-01-11 19:52:21

Quality lads pure quality, the RAF would be proud of you.

Post 354651 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-01-12 00:15:20

Currently thinking of investing the inaugral award of the DFC - Distinguished Fox Collision (1.0 BAR).

Post 354663 by Dangerous Dave on 2011-01-12 01:13:33

Isn't plotting exciting? [quote=santa20;354435]You hear that noise....yeah that noise when the cars running.....its a bad one, walk away and leave it :-p[/quote] Yep, stay away from those S60R's :P

Post 354671 by volvokid on 2011-01-12 06:32:50

I get paid on the 25, so cant manage before .

Post 354681 by Santa on 2011-01-12 07:58:56

[quote=bomb192uk;354663] Yep, stay away from those S60R's :P[/quote] Yeah they are far to exciting for most people lol