ecu from R manual


Post 392765 by WOODY T5 on 2011-07-06 21:52:55

how can i tell if the ecu as been chipped as i have opened it up wot should it say on the chip if it was standard?

Post 392767 by Jamest5r on 2011-07-06 21:58:02

[quote=smithness;392765]how can i tell if the ecu as been chipped as i have opened it up wot should it say on the chip if it was standard?[/quote] What you should of looked for were scratch marks on the casing first, usually means it's mapped no other reason for opening :), however look for the resoliders on the chip they will not be as neat as the robot ones :)

Post 392771 by WOODY T5 on 2011-07-06 22:08:21

did have some scratch marks on it and it says mx some numbers and taiwan on the chip?