Post 412889 by Mooks on 2011-09-27 20:14:51
Hi all. This unit fits a phase two S60/V70 with the 2000-2003 interior (light grey not charcoal) We purchased this Bluepower unit in May this year. I had a few problems with it and had to return it to Bluepower for repair. As I am self employed I could not be without my bluetooth phone kit so had another head unit installed whilst this one was away. It has beed returned but as it has not been back in the car I have not tested it. It was returned because the touch screen would not align with the buttons correctly despite calibration and there were problems with the ipod interface. Bluepower advise these are all now working correctly. The unit was also unable to read the satnav maps on the SD card but Bluepower also advise this is now ok. In order to fit the new head unit the steering control interface was left in the car but these can be purchased from Bluepower or from the company in the UK supplying them called NCS Systems limited ( The unit also comes with a DTV tuner and microphone for the hands free. There is no remote as this appears to have been missed out of the box when it was returned. The units spec can be viewed on It makes a great match to the dash. As I cannot give any kind of warranty as to the repair because I have not tested it the unit is sold strictly on this basis so I am inviting offers on the unit if it is of interest to anyone. If not I will stick it on e-bay.