ME7 T5 Engine?


Post 432375 by daza-b on 2011-12-03 22:23:14

Hiya guys whats the difference in engines on the T5s? i have seen an me7 engine thats cheap cheap and dont know if its the engine im after, please help my stupidity lol thanks

Post 432380 by T5frankie on 2011-12-03 22:30:52

the me7's are '99 onwards ones with electronic throttle most people prefer the earlier ones for tuning reasons

Post 432381 by smithson007 on 2011-12-03 22:31:27

As far as i know mate me7 engines have the electronic throttle and have had a few issues. Pre Me7's have cable operated like in myne.

Post 432382 by smithson007 on 2011-12-03 22:32:08

[quote=t5frankie;432380]the me7's are '99 onwards ones with electronic throttle most people prefer the earlier ones for tuning reasons[/quote] You beat me to it. LOl.

Post 432387 by daza-b on 2011-12-03 22:39:46

lol is it possible for me to change the throttle? its really cheap this engine and dont want to miss out, its getting heavily modified anyway so changing the throttle wont be an issue if its possible :D

Post 432390 by Al115 on 2011-12-03 22:42:47

Not really worth it. It's more than the throttle.

Post 432391 by daza-b on 2011-12-03 22:43:30

[quote=Al115;432390]Not really worth it. It's more than the throttle.[/quote] ok thanks, shame really

Post 432414 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-12-04 00:53:42

ME7 have a VVT actuator on the exhaust cam/valves which changes depending on load - ECU controlled of course. The ME7 uses an on demand system connecting the demand sensed from the pedal to open the butterfly valve which works using a stepper motor to open it (& spring loaded to close it- so called safety feature). I took one apart once to find out where the problems were. The contact surface substrate which had rake like contacts secured to the butterfly valve shaft - can over time wear through leading to an inaccurate voltage (as to the angle of the valve). There were reports of the ETM failing & sudden loss of % throttle. Updates to the software & better quality ETMs have by enlarge removed this issue. ME7 is a tricky one to master when it comes to tuning but I hope I have shown that it can be pushed successfully. I know from looking at TORQUE logs that the valve can fully open in no more time than the manual throttle. ME7 is less raucous than manual throttle but at the same time more refined. The exhaust cam VVT does help a lot at higher RPM.

Post 432415 by p fandango on 2011-12-04 01:17:40

the inlet ports are also a different shape. Depending on the year ME7 engines also gained solid valve lifters Image

Post 432435 by Alan M on 2011-12-04 10:02:45

Go for it. The best engine to use will be the B5244 T5 the 2005 on model T5 engine. You can either use the head with it that has smaller valve stems and slightly different port shapes with increased size or the older more restrictive head with larger valve stems. The VVT can either be controlled and mapped seperately with a pulse width modulator with the older motronic ECU alongside or you can just take advantage of the higher lift cams and delete the VVT system completely as I and many other people have. The engine is basically a mechanical object the same as any other and the whiteblock engines are very similar from 1995 through to 2010. You would have to alter an old engine mount to use the same mounting point on the subframe at the front but apart from the things I've listed its pretty much plug and play.

Post 432437 by Wobbly Dave on 2011-12-04 10:34:06

How do you then hydrid the ME7 ETM control with manual throttle - are you just using the ME9 engine with manual throttle control?

Post 432448 by p fandango on 2011-12-04 11:24:04

[quote=Wobbly Dave;432437]How do you then hydrid the ME7 ETM control with manual throttle - are you just using the ME9 engine with manual throttle control?[/quote] bin it Image

Post 432453 by daza-b on 2011-12-04 11:31:21

lol well lots of info here but a bit mind boggling at the same time lol