S60R replace o-ring/seals in sump/oil pan


Post 476645 by sizzlechest on 2012-03-22 15:28:03

As my S60R has reached 122,000 miles I thought it would be prudent to change the oil seals in the sump/oil pan, plus the pan needed resealing anyway. I picked up an oil pan gasket set 30750783 - £28.32 and Volvo chemical gasket (anaerobic) 1161059 - £35.28 from main dealers in Warrington, Cheshire. Image Image Image Image Image Remove dipstick and tube (10mm bolt). Tube needs a good tug – don’t worry you’ll replace the seal. Drain oil and remove filter. Disconnect electrical cable to oil level sensor on bottom of pan. Release oil cooler (4 x torx t30) – get ready for more oil spillage. Remove the screw from the bracket for the fuel line. See above photo - 2 o'clock from oil cooler. Remove bolts (10mm) for oil pan – There are three different lengths; make a note of which ones go where. There are two bolts (14mm) that are fixed horizontally into transmission housing. I removed the lower engine mount to free up space to ease the pan out. So you know, it didn't drop straight down because it catches on the fuel and power steering line. Lower the pan on the transmission side first to give a bit more room. As it lowers you’ll find it catches on the oil pick up pipe too. Now the pan is free it's time for cleaning duties on the oil pan and block. The residue from the original liquid gasket has to be removed from mating surfaces. I used a combination of Isopropyl alcohol, gentle Scotch Brite scrubbing, and razor blades. Image Image You can now start replacing seals and o-rings. Starting with the oil pan - remove pipe (10mm bolt) connecting filter housing to oil cooler and replace two seal rings 31251439. Replace dipstick tube seal ring 1397983. At the timing belt end of the block there are two o-rings and a seal ring to replace. Remove oil pick up pipe - two bolts (10mm) and pull down to release. Recover seal ring and replace with 30637867.Remove any debris lodged in the strainer mesh – I used cotton buds, and they worked a treat. When reinstalling pipe push firmly to seat within seal. Replace black o-ring 8642560 (30.1mm). Out of the six o-ring/seals I replaced this was the only one that visibly showed wear and tear. It was very brittle and had deformed in a small area. Replace black o-ring 8642559 (20.3mm) Coat the back of the o-rings with Vaseline to help them stay put. I ran a bead of the anaerobic Volvo chemical gasket on the mating surface of the oil pan then used a short haired roller (DIY store) to thin it out and coat the surface. When the pan is reattached to the block put in a bolt in each corner. Tighten to 3Nm. Install two bolts (14mm) into transmission housing. First tighten to 25Nm then to 48Nm. Tighten all screws in the sump joint to 17 Nm. Start at the transmission end and continue towards timing belt end in pairs. Connect fuel line bracket. Connect oil cooler. Reconnect electrical cable to oil level sensor Reinstall dipstick and tube. Install new filter and refill oil. If I was to do this again I would buy the six seal rings/ o-rings rather than the whole oil pan gasket set. 31251439 x 2 1397983 30637867 8642560 8642559 RTV sealant is not suitable for this job. Areas of the oil pan surface are narrow and I don’t think it would seal tight. The seals and o-rings I replaced: Image

Post 477075 by s_cowen on 2012-03-23 21:35:38

Well done good going & nice write up :smile:

Post 493464 by burnout8488 on 2012-05-01 03:20:20

Any idea what all the paper gaskets are for? My kit came with about 5-8 of them and there's nowhere to install them! The turbo drain pipe is about the only place I can think of.

Post 493677 by sizzlechest on 2012-05-01 20:33:14

Hello, my guess is that the oil pan gasket set caters for the many Volvo models both petrol and diesel. Generous Volvo throw in a slack handful of differing paper gaskets into the kit allowing you to pick the correct one!

Post 793971 by sanj on 2015-12-29 22:04:34

I just broke a bolt on my oil pan (v70 t5 2006)... after tightening it too much, I had a oil leak. Came across this thread, thanks for the write up - it seems like the instructions would apply to mine. Hopefully I should be able to see the head of the bolt once the oil pan is off otherwise gonna have to drill it out carefully. Thanks Sanj