Replace you Sub Woofer amp fan on a V70R


Post 499368 by LeeT5 on 2012-05-16 20:16:04

A small 'How to' on the replacement of the small fan that lives inside the amplfier on a V70 estate P2 that has the SubWoofer option fitted. Normally this is with the 'Premium Sound' option, if your car has it. Mine was very noisy and it was a matter of time before it stopped working and cooked my amp! Remove subwoofer (SW) from the boot of the car as per the instructions on the white label attached to the SW. Place SW on a flat surface, preferably the floor on carpet as the unit is heavy, about 15 kg. Unscrew the 4 large torq screws usings a torqs 20 Image Next, lift the amp out and unplug from the speaker wire. Place the amp on its side and unscrew the 4 side torq screws. Image Carefully seperate the amp cover and unplug the small white fan plug. This just simply slides off the 3 pins. Turn the fan housing cover upside down and unscrew the 4 fan screws. Image Fit new fan. I chose a Fractal 50x50x10mm silent fan. 19db and 3500rpm. Image Fitting is the reverse procedure. Being careful when plugging in the new fan and routing the wiring lume correctly so it doesn't fowl the PCB components. Pay particular attention to which way up the fan fits. It MUST blow cold air onto the PCB, ie suck air from outside >>>>> into the amp case. NOTE: The way i fitted the fan initially (shown below) was incorrect. I had to remove and turn it round. Image Do not over tighten the fan screws as the fan WILL crack!!! Refit amp into speaker housing and plug into car to check fan operation. Drink a nice brew!