Post 515589 by T5frankie on 2012-06-22 20:59:02
as above
as above
There's no local car washes by me with any operatives that look like that....
Frankie is the NEW Monkey.
[quote=stephenevans99;515598]Frankie is the NEW Monkey.[/quote] i think you will find i was here first lol
Heres my car wash
[quote=t5 pete;515621]Heres my car wash [/quote]look at the wheels on that?
I'd let them scratch my bodywork with their gritty sponges!!
[quote=S1mon;515676]I'd let them scratch my bodywork with their gritty sponges!![/quote] I wouldn't.
[quote=stribo;515695]I wouldn't.[/quote] Nor me.....
[quote=V70 Graham;515708]Nor me.....[/quote] niether!!
That would be 'Bardzo Zle' for the paintwork!
the polskies at my local Sainsburys look like the cast of shameless! :(
[quote=t5 pete;515621]Heres my car wash [/quote] Such a shame theres a hosepipe ban and they had to use buckets and sponges
Poor lass, she'll catch her death getting all wet like that. Being the thoughtful type I'd have to get those damp clothes off her and warm her up.. Bit of vigerous rubbing should do...
[quote=Rhys;516225]Poor lass, she'll catch her death getting all wet like that. Being the thoughtful type I'd have to get those damp clothes off her and warm her up.. Bit of vigerous rubbing should do...[/quote] lmfao!!
[quote=t5 pete;515621]Heres my car wash [/quote] I Nearly spat my coffee out here at work!!!!! :D EPIC post!!!!!
i wonna go there, can't even get the woman to wash mine. let alone polish it for me?? lol
Send them round i'll bang it one as payment for washing the car rofl
I wouldn't pay 'em at all, haven't got a single sud on the Volvo...
[quote=t5 pete;515621]Heres my car wash [/quote] :jaw:
[quote=PUNTO60s;519728]:jaw:[/quote] I know, thats one sexy Volvo :D
She can wash mine anytime.
[QUOTE=M-R-P;517306]I wouldn't pay 'em at all, haven't got a single sud on the Volvo...[/QUOTE] Only just realised there is a Volvo in the pic :rolling_e
Can't even see any cars in these pictures pmsl :jaw:
[QUOTE=Plodmonkey;519728]:jaw:[/QUOTE] Yep Lovin the wet look lol