Post 523024 by t5 pete on 2012-07-11 22:04:28
Made me laugh quality quote just to come out with [ame][/ame]
Made me laugh quality quote just to come out with [ame][/ame]
Was about to say that Paul. GMTA
My what an endearing chap he must be
LOL, just LOL
did I miss summat? all i saw was a crappy teeniebopper music video with no fit birds and a poor so-called storeyline. EDIT... not easy viewing comments with an android tab set up for my wife... children should be banned from commenting on things until they have at least 4 pubes. numpties.
[quote=martinrpeachey;523077]did I miss summat? all i saw was a crappy teeniebopper music video with no fit birds and a poor so-called storeyline. EDIT... not easy viewing comments with an android tab set up for my wife... children should be banned from commenting on things until they have at least 4 pubes. numpties.[/quote] Yeah, took me a few minutes to find out where the comment was.
lol looks like u tube has removed it