Post 524096 by 70fan on 2012-07-14 22:28:53
So I thought I'd start a little project thread to put together small changes that have happened since I've owned the V50 and hopefully document the coming changes that I've got in mind too. So, as I bought her; September 2010 [ATTACH=CONFIG]15933[/ATTACH] After an unfortunate accident involving a rather large pothole on the A47 [ATTACH=CONFIG]15934[/ATTACH] Today [ATTACH=CONFIG]15935[/ATTACH] Current cosmetic plans include a bit of vinyl and a black grill. I'm also looking at lowering her a little and getting a short shift adapter. And saving up for a remap to get a few extra horses from her. I'm not really sure what more to do with her to be honest, I'm slowly gathering inspiration but I don't know too much about tuning/modifying heavy oil burners.