Post 531691 by Pinup_gal on 2012-08-21 09:32:42
Ok guys and gals!!! The tickets have landed. I've spent yesterday afternoon (with some willing slaves) enveloping them all up ready. The plan is that JamesT5R will very kindly be passing on the tickets of the people below to T5 Pete, who will distribute at the arranged meeting point for the camping. JamesT5R Smithy T5 Pete Claymore Wobbly Dave Adrian and Jayne PaulT5 Estate Shepbomb The Flying Moose James The following list of people I can drop tickets to at the Oxford Meet next weekend V70 Graham and Nobber Sharkey and D5 Sophie and Frankie is down as a maybe on the Oxford meet list. All others we can either post or arrange a meet up time and place on Sunday morning before entering Silverstone. This however will be early!!! If you wish to have your tickets posted please pm me your address and I'll get them out to you :)