Post 541973 by Santa on 2012-10-14 13:58:04
Hello All, As I've mentioned in the past the section we get the most complaints about is MarketPlace. Usually complaints arise from situations created because the Market Place Rules and Guidelines were not followed by either seller or buyer. The Market Place Rules and Guidelines can be found at Yes its quite long............but no where near as long as Ebays and about the same length as GumTree's. The vast majority of the content in Market Place Rules and Guidelines is to protect your interests. When a sale is between "normal" members it really is the responsibility of both seller and buyer to agree of the condition of the item for sale, the amount of time it will take to deliver and the level of warranty offered. (i.e. Sold as Seen, Fit for purpose, 3 month part warranty etc). It is also wise to ensure both buyer and seller exchange contact details in private and that you ensure you're happy with those details before completing a deal. You may find it safer dealing with a registered trader of the site if they are selling a similar item to a normal member. At this point I'm going to highlight one particular rule: Rule Violations - If you think a sale, buyer, seller, or other forum member is breaking Forum Rules or these Marketplace Rules, report it using the Report Post feature. Don't police the sale yourself. If a member has a history of Marketplace problems or is involved in a disputed transaction, their other Marketplace activity may be suspended. If we contact you in regards to a dispute raised relating to Market Place activity please ensure you reply as quickly and as completely as possible. Failure to do this may lead to removal of your Market Place access and all your active threads in Market Place. If you have any questions or queries please use the Contact Us page which can be found at Many thanks