How to fit new Powerflex Cross shaped Bushes for Top Engine Mounting- pictures


Post 585898 by on 2013-03-19 10:49:54

Hello everybody, I thought I would add a how to thread for these, to show how easy it is to remove the old bush and insert the new one. The bush in the photos is the petrol type, PFV907987 (PFF88-622) Thanks to Wobbly Dave for asking if I could install a bush for him, and providing an old mounting which had seen better days. We look forward to his reports about the performance of it compared to a standard bush. The original mounting: [ATTACH=CONFIG]20799[/ATTACH] After I cut away the outer rubber flaps from the bush, you can see just how much free space there is inside the housing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]20800[/ATTACH] To remove the old bush, flip it over and insert a flathead screwdriver between the end plate and the rubber. Then hit it with a hammer and the end plate will fly off pretty easily. [ATTACH=CONFIG]20801[/ATTACH] Cut away the outer rubber around the metal centre, and push the old bush out by hand. [ATTACH=CONFIG]20802[/ATTACH] Grease the contact surfaces of the new bush using the copaslip sachet provided. [ATTACH=CONFIG]20803[/ATTACH] Here you can see half of the new bush fitted, it takes up all of the void space inside the hosuing - a definate inprovement! [ATTACH=CONFIG]20804[/ATTACH] Then just push the other half in, and insert the metal centre tube. - again all of this can be done by hand. The finished product: [ATTACH=CONFIG]20805[/ATTACH] The metal centre tube is suffuceint to hold the 2 halves of the new bush in, and the metal brackets on the car hold it in place as well after the retaining bolt is tightened. I hope you find this useful Jamie

Post 585908 by JamesT5 on 2013-03-19 11:07:02

Looks like I'll be ordering some of these from you but it will have to wait until April or May. Thanks for the guide! :D

Post 585919 by Harvey on 2013-03-19 11:58:12

Looks good,nice to see its not solid a bit of flex with the cut outs, think I've have to get one. Thanks for the close up photos.

Post 585920 by jotter22 on 2013-03-19 11:59:13

If the bush takes up all the void how does it allow any movement? ^^ Oopps Tony.

Post 585925 by Wobbly Dave on 2013-03-19 12:22:38

Thanks for your help. Hopefully be able to get this in before the racing starts this weekend.

Post 585927 by M-R-P on 2013-03-19 12:30:42

[QUOTE=Harvey;585919]Looks good,nice to see its not solid a bit of flex with the cut outs, think I've have to get one. Thanks for the close up photos.[/QUOTE] Looks like powerflex learned their lesson after the P2 round ones. I'm still thinking about drilling mine lol.

Post 585936 by on 2013-03-19 12:59:59

if you overtighten the bolt through the centre on the round ones, powerflex advise excessive noise can be generated as the bush is compressed too much .

Post 601891 by Squirtydog on 2013-04-30 20:48:05

I have the round one fitted and can confirm an increase in noise and vibration. 6 x 10mm holes have improved things. Having read this, I will be taking a few turns off the bolt aswell. Awaiting arrival of bushes for the rest of the top bar to see if that improves things.

Post 601948 by on 2013-05-01 09:07:24

martin assures me that it significantly improves the noise level. bear in mind though, some increase is inevitable by the nature of the polyurethane material. jamie

Post 601950 by M-R-P on 2013-05-01 09:30:30

[QUOTE=Squirtydog;601891]I have the round one fitted and can confirm an increase in noise and vibration. 6 x 10mm holes have improved things. Having read this, I will be taking a few turns off the bolt aswell. Awaiting arrival of bushes for the rest of the top bar to see if that improves things.[/QUOTE] [;601948]martin assures me that it significantly improves the noise level. bear in mind though, some increase is inevitable by the nature of the polyurethane material. jamie[/QUOTE] The cause of a lot of the vibration is the cross brace hitting resonance between 650 and 750 rpm. This is amplified by the the extra load on the engine if the A/C is on (give it a try - it's horrible lol) This resonance causes the brace to shake violently, amplifying the engine vibration. Fitting the strut brace tensioners tightens the brace, preventing it from shaking and removing the resonance. You WILL still get more engine noise than with standard volvo top bushes but mainly under hard acceleration... which is nice :)

Post 602128 by Squirtydog on 2013-05-02 06:11:17

[QUOTE=M-R-P;601950]The cause of a lot of the vibration is the cross brace hitting resonance between 650 and 750 rpm. This is amplified by the the extra load on the engine if the A/C is on (give it a try - it's horrible lol) This resonance causes the brace to shake violently, amplifying the engine vibration. Fitting the strut brace tensioners tightens the brace, preventing it from shaking and removing the resonance. You WILL still get more engine noise than with standard volvo top bushes but mainly under hard acceleration... which is nice :)[/QUOTE] Still waiting for Don to send me the kit. May give him a little tinkle and remind him. Meanwhile I'll slacken my nut a bit. You do get more under acceleration. Sounds more like induction noise in mine so not too bothered at the mo. OFF TOPIC: Shiny new R grille badge fitted, thanks Jamie. How come local Volvo dealer thought the part was unavailable?