Post 603549 by M-R-P on 2013-05-07 09:16:58
I've been asked by a few people, how to create custom links to web pages that look like [COLOR="#FF0000"]this.[/COLOR] or [COLOR="#FF0000"]Linky![/COLOR] etc. So here's a quick guide. 1. Type your message as you normally would and when you get to the point where you want to add your link, go to the web page (in another tab) and copy the address... 2. In the VPC text window, click the "link" button... 3. Paste the web address in the popup window (clear the "http//" bit first) and hit "ok"... 4. You'll loads of writing appear in your message... ...Don't worry, it's supposed to look like that, Highlight all the text inside the last two square brackets... 5. Simply type the word you want to use for the link... When you click "Post reply", it'll look like this... Link! and you're done :)