Post 653286 by oblark on 2013-10-17 13:05:50
Why has my signature photo been made smaller ?
Why has my signature photo been made smaller ?
It's a combination of height and size (definition) I have the same problem with mine. Make it more of a strip (remove some of the scene above the car, the ground below and move the writing up) and it should fill better. For some reason, the higher resolution pics come out smaller when linked to vpc.
It wasn't me.
[QUOTE=y2blade;653288]It wasn't me.[/QUOTE] Makes a bloody change ;)
Bloody mods,lol.....
some of them are getting bit ott , is it because the kb of the photo is too high ?
i saw it earlier when it was big and it was a lot better then ;)
The forum software will have resized the picture. The maximum height is 175pixels. Don't worry it won't have changed the picture permanently, it just resizes it on the sig. As much as I love how shiny your car is (wish I could get my olive 850 looking that good), the pic was a bit big for a sig
[QUOTE=Dangerous Dave;653360]The forum software will have resized the picture. The maximum height is 175pixels. Don't worry it won't have changed the picture permanently, it just resizes it on the sig. As much as I love how shiny your car is (wish I could get my olive 850 looking that good), the pic was a bit big for a sig[/QUOTE] How come the previous photo didn't get automatically resized ?
your last one was a lower resolution. you can use far taller than 175 pixels, by linking from photobucket. (which is what you're doing) just keep resizing it until it fills out a bit.
Just need some photo editing software :)
Don't make it bigger! Bad enough looking at minters in the project sections without having them shoved under my nose :( I washed mine Sunday with 1% caustic soap at work... I had a shiny car till it rained. Lol.
to be fair mine has shrunk too i think there is a higher power power here :hail:
Fancy a new Siggy [ATTACH=CONFIG]22817[/ATTACH] If you like me your email & I'll send you the full image
[QUOTE=stephenevans99;653395]Fancy a new Siggy [ATTACH=CONFIG]22817[/ATTACH] If you like me your email & I'll send you the full image[/QUOTE] Oooohh....very nice :B_thumb:
[QUOTE=stephenevans99;653395]Fancy a new Siggy [ATTACH=CONFIG]22817[/ATTACH] If you like me your email & I'll send you the full image[/QUOTE] Posh git...lmao.. I must get off my arse and make my own...
wheres the best to make one i need one to lol
[QUOTE=stephenevans99;653395]Fancy a new Siggy [ATTACH=CONFIG]22817[/ATTACH] If you like me your email & I'll send you the full image[/QUOTE] Nice job done .
Photoshop's your best way. I'm going to do one for myself later on (If I can a) be bothered and b) find the time,lol)
[QUOTE=Tomcat;653407]Photoshop's your best way. I'm going to do one for myself later on (If I can a) be bothered and b) find the time,lol)[/QUOTE] Get the splitters done first bugger the signature lol
Lol, that's why I said... "If I have time"...Off out their again in a few minutes, your two are pretty much done anyway.
Kool keep up the good work
[QUOTE=craigoodwood;653380]to be fair mine has shrunk too i think there is a higher power power here :hail:[/QUOTE] So has mine, I think someone's been having a fiddle. ;)
I think "the mangement" have noticed that our signatures have been getting bigger.
I think mine has aswell
LOL Pete. I thought yours hadn't changed but it seems it has by a tiny bit. The forum default is 175 pixels high but linking external images from photobucket, etc, weren't controlled and some pictures were a bit big (also affects mobile browsing somewhat). I have enabled an auto resize function which scales the image down so it doesn't appear too big. You can click the pic to see it in all its glory. The images aren't permanently altered just scaled when the page loads.
Interesting.. I did wonder when controls were going to come in.. Some signatures looked huge on a mobile..
Does anyone fancy doing me one please? I could show you how put a million measurements on a cad model & in some detail but photoshop etc I do not have a clue! I like oblarks new one Stephen. Suits the look of the car. Lol
[QUOTE=Biff;653498]Does anyone fancy doing me one please? I could show you how put a million measurements on a cad model & in some detail but photoshop etc I do not have a clue! I like oblarks new one Stephen. Suits the look of the car. Lol[/QUOTE] If you post up a pic of your car that you want used, I'm sure someone will have a little play for you. ;)
I must get round to changing my sig, Mine looks quite a bit different now and as for Shrek's R... He swapped it for a bloody Shogun!