Post 655229 by Biff on 2013-10-23 16:58:58
Hello, I've recently changed phones after having my relic stolen I'm now finding myself logging in on every visit.
Is there anyway I can stay logged in as it doesn't seem to "remember me" when I tick the box.
Post 655355 by Dangerous Dave on 2013-10-23 23:41:14
It could be the mobile browser automatically deletes the browsing history and logins when you exit. Have a look at the settings.
What phone is it?
Oh and did you use your old phone to view the site? If so have you changed your password(s)?
Post 655370 by Biff on 2013-10-24 05:42:57
It's an iphone5 mate. No I've not changed it but will try that, thank you!
I've not used the other phone for about 3 weeks.
Cheers Dave. :)
Post 655371 by dtp on 2013-10-24 06:06:21
Ios 7.03 has just been released. It will remember user names & passwords. Update your phone now.
Post 655396 by Tomcat on 2013-10-24 09:26:51
It's definatley in the settings, I turned it on a while back and keep meaning to turn it off.