Urgent help needed - does anyone know anything about electronics?


Post 680793 by jamesy12345 on 2014-01-16 11:30:52

Urgent help needed - do you know anything about electronics? If anyone knows how to connect a surround sound Blu-Ray and DVD, please let me know. My neighbour keeps asking me for help and the wife is complaining about all the time I'm spending over there. Here's what the set-up looks like... [ATTACH=CONFIG]23515[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]23516[/ATTACH]

Post 680795 by stribo on 2014-01-16 11:54:08

That photo of the set up looks fine. ;)

Post 680797 by V70 Graham on 2014-01-16 11:58:08

If your stuck I'll pop round and sort her.....I mean it out.

Post 680798 by stephenevans99 on 2014-01-16 12:02:21

I think your connecting jack is too short, just try and make sure it's a firm fit BUT don't force it in - otherwise it'll get stuck and you won't be able to pull out. Don't force it in the brown input either :) HTH

Post 680821 by M-R-P on 2014-01-16 13:16:41

Carpet's too long, it's impeding insertion.