Post 702935 by Santa on 2014-04-13 08:52:53
It has become a mini tradition to attend Trax as a club and whether its for the comrade ship, the love being together or merely for parking convenience we are looking to do the same this year. Trax this year is held on Sunday the 7th of September, again at the Silverstone Circuit. Entrance Fees Advanced entrance fees are priced at £16 per person, with under 14's being admitted for free. (Same as last year, so with inflation it's cheaper in real terms than last year:) ) Vehicle passes available on request for the club stand, priority will be given to Volvo's owned by members and you will have to supply your mobile phone number and car registration number. There was some confusion on this last year, so more detail below on why this is the case. Please note vehicle passes are non transferable, if you find you no longer need yours please return it to Natalie, Dave, Chad or myself. Track Time Individual Track time is priced at £30 per person. (Cheaper than last year! So it would be rude not to give it a go!) Camping Camping as usual is at Whittlebury Park. At £10 per person it's cheaper than being at home! (Though maybe not as nice, depending on the tent you use I suppose). Payment So booking your tickets through this site has changed a little this year. The process is as follows: Go to the contact us page at Ensure your username and email address are shown correctly. (Because replies from us will be via email). For the Subject, select other and write Trax. (Please don't write anything else). Information to supply: How many entrance tickets- Will a vehicle pass be required- (Including full car details and mobile phone number if a car pass is required). How many track time tickets- (It will be assumed if you book more than one slot that you will need track time tickets across multiple time slots unless stated otherwise - Please ensure you can meet Trax track rules and guidelines How many camping tickets- How you wish to pay- (Paypal Gift, Paypal Non Gift, BACS/FPS, Cheque, Cash, favours, etc). Unfortunately, once tickets are purchased there are no refunds. You will then get an email back within 48 hours with confirmation of email and any details required to get payment to us. Payment will be required to reach us before the 7th June 2014.(So if paying via non instant method, please factor this in). If you are planning on bringing a 4x4 (XC90 or XC60 type vehicles, XC70, S60R, 850 AWD type cars are fine), a vehicle that could be classed as commercial (Van, Trailer etc) or car that isn't road legal (lack of MOT, car tax etc) then please let us know when you order your tickets as we will need to declare these separately to our Public Liability insurance provider. Parking on the stand: Just to clarify the parking on stand situation as this caused some confusion last year. Vehicle passes are given to the club by Trax, they are not an entitlement of buying a ticket. (Those buying track time will get an additional parking entitlement to park near the track if they wish). We don't know how much space is actually available for a stand until we attend Trax. Therefore we cannot guarantee parking availability. (But we do try to cram everyone in). Priority to park on the stand is given to Volvo's owned by club members, on a first come first served basis. When you arrive please wait to be pointed where to park. If the A34 ends up closed (again) and I'm not there before you, please park as safely and considerately as possible. (Leaving space for a marquee). Please don't run anyone over, it can be like driving through an episode of the Walking Dead, where those walking round have no real awareness. If there is available space, support vehicles will be given the next priority. (Though we won't know if there will be available space until the day). When moving trailers etc around please ensure you don't injure anyone. (Again, its like the walking dead). If there is any space available to hide members non Volvos on the stand after the above then brilliant, but as with support vehicles we won't know if there is available space until the actual day. (Therefore it may be easier to park in the public carpark). Few conditions set by events organiser The following activities are prohibited by the event organiser : Photography for commercial gain Unauthorised trading Exhibiting or operating any item in a way that may create a danger The following will not be allowed on the events site at any time : Animals Glass/bottles Bonfires/BBQ's Minimotos Scooters Quads A few conditions set by us: Please don't park on other peoples stands or anywhere else you shouldn't. (Because doing so can lead to charges applied to the club). Please be mindful that its a busy place and the people walking around may not be the most aware, please help one another so no one else gets injured or killed. (Especially when driving around the site or parking). Avoid doing anything that would potentially jeopardise the clubs existance or its future attendance at Trax. Any paypal reversals once tickets have been purchased but before they are posted will not be taken kindly to. For Trax 2014 related discussion/love showing/whos thinking of going - please use the discussion thread Cheers :)