Adventure into the Dash (Radio fix)


Post 726714 by 70fan on 2014-07-29 14:06:11

So I got the new car... bought it privately... few niggles but a good price and I'm confident they can all be sorted. First niggle; the previous owner had had the radio aerial removed from new (for religious reasons) so I figured I'd get that back up and running. Installed a parrot in the V50, so the floating dash didn't scare me off. So, set out the redneck mechanics PLC workshop :) Image Make sure I've got access to my instructions, and plow ahead... ...after using the intertubes to figure out how the gearknob came off. Image There are 10 screws in total holding down the centre console, 2 at the front of the storage bin, 4 under the gear lever trim, 2 behind the radio trim and 2 on the back of the floating dash. (All T25) There are then 2 more T25 screws holding the radio in. Remove radio and reconnect aerial lead like so Image In the best Haynes style "reassemble as reverse of removal" then brush away years of accumulated crap, before testing Image Image That is now working, happy 70fan :D

Post 726721 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 15:45:12

Religious reasons? Just in case they heard the truth for a change? haha. Nice work dude, glad nothing shattered :)

Post 726726 by Harvey on 2014-07-29 16:43:30

Good news glad they didn't cut the plug off !. I had a mate that was working for a guy that had all the radios removed from there fleet of lorries,did seem odd as the drivers would just bring portable one's in to work ?. I can remember him saying that office was a very strange place to work. Just had google about it. Separation - Isolating themselves from the rest of society is one of the key Amish beliefs. They think secular culture has a polluting effect and, therefore, to avoid the use of television, radios, computers, and modern appliances, they do not hook up to the electrical grid.

Post 726727 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 16:46:21

So what do they point all their furniture at then?

Post 726728 by Harvey on 2014-07-29 16:48:41

[QUOTE=M-R-P;726727]So what do they point all their furniture at then?[/QUOTE] I guess is called a piano

Post 726729 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 16:50:22

[QUOTE=Harvey;726728]I guess is called a piano[/QUOTE] Aaah - you mean they were cockneys?

Post 726777 by 70fan on 2014-07-29 21:27:08

This guy was Plymouth Brethren, not 100% Amish, still use electricity etc... but no TV or Radio. yes there was a very nice Piano in the lounge.

Post 726785 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 21:44:03

Lol, sorry for taking the thread off topic mate.

Post 726789 by 70fan on 2014-07-29 21:52:11

[QUOTE=M-R-P;726785]Lol, sorry for taking the thread off topic mate.[/QUOTE] Don't be, it's amusing to me and it's kind of on topic (in a why I had to fix it kind of way) TBH I'm just glad to be back and driving a Volvo again!

Post 726793 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 21:59:37

[QUOTE=70fan;726789]Don't be, it's amusing to me and it's kind of on topic (in a why I had to fix it kind of way) TBH I'm just glad to be back and driving a Volvo again![/QUOTE] And a cracking example it is too. Very nice indeed.

Post 726795 by 70fan on 2014-07-29 22:03:14

Yeah I'm rather pleased with it. Late 2008 (09MY) D5 SE Lux. I love the comfort and the toys. Once I've cleaned it (4 or more hours of detailing) and sorted out a couple more niggles (trim fitting etc) I'll post a decent set of pictures to show it off. I've only owned it a week now and I've already got a small list of things to do.

Post 726800 by M-R-P on 2014-07-29 22:29:20

You wouldnt be a Volvo enthusiast if you couldnt find something to improve mate.

Post 726815 by V70 Graham on 2014-07-29 23:25:53

Glad it was a fairly easy fix, can't imagine life without radio, TV and inter web though !