Post 760670 by speedswede on 2015-02-23 12:01:01
I'm on public transport right now. It's not all bad. I'm on my way to collect my new ovloV C30 :B_steerin
I'm on public transport right now. It's not all bad. I'm on my way to collect my new ovloV C30 :B_steerin
Be sure to disinfect yourself before sitting in the new motor :P
Soo... Did it breakdown?? Been toying with getting a C30 on the drip for the Mrs to ferry the little-un around in. Undecided as to whether the boot would swallow a pram or not though? Hmm...
[ATTACH=CONFIG]28197[/ATTACH] Nope. It's not broken down. I've only done 36 miles in it since I bought it on Wednesday. It's quick, though!
[QUOTE=Doingitsideways;760893] Undecided as to whether the boot would swallow a pram or not though? [/QUOTE] It won't.
Looks nice buddy! Im jelous of that satnav in there!!!
Looks really smart.
Sorry to gatecrash the post! I am after a new R design badge for my front Grille! Any one help me out?
[QUOTE=R_Elliott;761012]I am after a new R design badge for my front Grille! Any one help me out?[/QUOTE] A tenner on fleaBay, including P+P. [ATTACH=CONFIG]28217[/ATTACH] They do them in various colours - I chose red to match your car.
Thanks for the compliments and good thread hijack, Rob ;-)
Im possibly looking for an official badge, is one like that official......
Not for £10, no... The cheapest genuine ones I've seen are around £30; the priciest I saw was £47. There's one on auction here, currently at £11; it doesn't actually say it's genuine although that's the inference.
Maybe a scrap yard would be good for this sort of stuff?!?
It has taken me two weeks to discover that this C30 has rain-sensing wipers. How cool is that?
LOL, did you not read the manual when you got it? It's surprising what things you can find in it...
[QUOTE=Dangerous Dave;763231]LOL, did you not read the manual when you got it? It's surprising what things you can find in it...[/QUOTE] Well, I did download the PDF version of the manual from the ovloV website. I sort of skimmed it. :smirk: I shall have to make a mug of Rooibos and settle down to read the manual ... when I get time!