Diesel purge :) taken from another site


Post 772150 by S40kieran on 2015-05-08 21:44:57

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A MECHANIC, I AM AN IDIOT ON AN INTERNET FORUM. IF DO THIS THEN USE COMMON SENSE. IF YOU BREAK SOMETHING THEN TOUGH, THAT'S HOW IT GOES. NOT MY FAULT. IT WORKED FOR ME, IT MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YOU. I asked a few days ago, in another thread, whether anyone knew the correct hoses to remove to perform a diesel purge. I never got any replies so I figured I'd work it out and put a guide up for anyone else who wanted to know. You will need: Liqui-Moly Diesel Purge - Other purges are available 1/4 inch fuel tubing - I had this lying around from my old bike, it fits the connectors nicely A clear pop bottle Scissors An in-line fuel filter - 7 or 8mm connection turned out to be nice and snug A hose connector - Again, 7 to 8mm worked fine Gloves (Because reasons) - loldiesel etc You don't really need 2 500ml cans, I was going to run 1 litre through it but didn't bother. I'll put the other can through our 164,000 mile 206 2.0 HDi instead. First of all remove your engine cover. You know how to do this I'm sure. Okay, so there are two hoses you need to disconnect. One by the fuel rail to the left of the oil dipstick... ...and one by the metal silvery thing on the left (Low pressue fuel pump? I don't really know) You'll lose a bit of diesel but don't worry too much about it. Mop it up if you can be bothered, I couldn't. Next you want to connect the two original lines with your connector. I don't know whether this actually makes a difference or not but I did so as a precaution. Next it's time to cut your hose into two fairly equal lengths, put one length on one connector and one on the other. Now here's where you have to start paying attention. The hose connected to the silver metal part is where the fuel will be drawn up to, the other line is the fuel return. Cut your fuel feed line in half and add the in-line filter to catch all the crap. Pay attention to the flow direction of the filter, don't plumb it in backwards. There will (or should!) be a small arrow on the filter that indicates the direction of flow. Next add your Liqui-Moly to the bottle and put the lines in. I was a numpty and the two lines wouldn't fit in the cap hole so I had to cut another one at the top to get it in. This is where it gets messy. You need to disconnect the feed line and prime it with the diesel purge. Do this how you will, I sucked until it came to the top. It doesn't taste good and I wouldn't recommend this method. It worked in a pinch though. Once you've got it to the top, cap it with your finger and get the line back on there ASAP. Now you're all set. Here's my 'before' shot Fire the old girl up and watch it flow! You can see the colour change from the original shot. Not much stuff came out of my injectors so they're probably good. I've seen videos where some right garbage comes out of them so there you go. Run the engine through the rev range until you're nearly used the stuff up. I found by the battery was a good place to locate my bottle Before it all runs out, turn off the car. Now re-assemble everything you took apart and pour any of the remaining purge in the fuel tank. You're done! Enjoy your (hopefully) clean injectors.

Post 772154 by Orca2 on 2015-05-08 21:53:59

Hehe I love the disclaimer, after all the electioneering a bit of truthfulness seems right.

Post 772158 by S40kieran on 2015-05-08 22:01:04

Hahahha orca I pinched it from you know where but it explains how to purge ;) so I thought a welcome addition to this site lol :) you never know lol

Post 772159 by stutgart69 on 2015-05-08 22:12:51

I was reading that and thinking , "No way did Kieran write that. There are no spelling mistakes, and he hasn't edited it several times." Lol

Post 772161 by Orca2 on 2015-05-08 22:16:29

Quick Kieran , go back and edit it .

Post 772162 by Doingitsideways on 2015-05-08 22:35:23

Not nearly enough "lols" in it to be Kieran's handiwork! Lol ;)

Post 772163 by S40kieran on 2015-05-08 22:36:42

Hahahahahahha :)

Post 772167 by Orca2 on 2015-05-08 22:50:31

He's all about the lols. Lol

Post 772225 by Doingitsideways on 2015-05-09 12:34:52

[QUOTE=Orca2;772167]He's all about the lols. Lol[/QUOTE] Lol