Over promotion


Post 774467 by Santa on 2015-05-29 08:19:14

As many of you will know, we have been operating a Trade Scheme for some time now. This is a scheme where traders register there details and activities with ourselves and in return we grant them the rights to promote/sell/etc their own wares. Also as a forum, we would expect members to share their experiences or finds, after all this is what a forum is about. Unfortunately there are certain instances where a post or thread comes across of "overly promoted", using promotional graphics and pictures or being overly "pushy" and it is hard for the management team to determine if the member posting has a vested interest in what has been posted. (Whether financial though schemes such as affiliation or otherwise). Therefore from now, any thread or post deemed "over promotion" will be removed. Persistent offenders may find their accounts restricted or may face a ban. Posting of affiliation links/codes/etc is not allowed at all, we don't grant trade status to those wishing to post such links/codes/etc. VPCUK, VPCUK.org, Volvo Performance Club UK etc should not be mentioned in any promotional material etc without consent from one of the Admins here. More on trade status http://www.vpcuk.org/forums/showthread.php?40948-Trading-on-this-site if anyone wishes to go through the application process.