Guide - Uploading Photos to the Forum


Post 820487 by Dangerous Dave on 2020-10-05 23:56:20

The forum has it's own "attachment" management system. The system isn't too hard to use and it's free. So by popular demand here is a guide on how to upload your images and add them into your posts. The guide shows how to insert one or multiple images at a time. The images are automatically resized by the forum software, so massive pictures will be shrunk to fit nicely into the page. The images will be inserted where the cursor is currently at. If an image ends up in the wrong place you can click and drag it to where you want. [B]Step 1 [/B]Click the insert image button on the toolbar at the top of the editing window. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32857[/ATTACH] Step 2 Select the "From Computer" tab if it isn't selected. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32859[/ATTACH] [B]Step 3 [/B]Click "Choose Files" (or "Browse" in Firefox) and select the file you want to upload. If you want to add multiple images then ctrl+click the photos you want to [ATTACH=CONFIG]32860[/ATTACH] [B]Step 4 [/B]Click "Upload File(s)". This will insert the image(s) into your post. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32863[/ATTACH] [B]Step 5 [/B]Your image will be a smallish thumbnail in the editing window (to make it easier to add more text), but once posted it will be larger: [ATTACH=CONFIG]32864[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]32865[/ATTACH] And that is it. Should work on most browsers and on mobile browsers (viewing the full site, not in the mobile site view). Please let us know if there are any issues with it, it's not perfect but a good alternative.