How to fit dump valve v70R 1997


Post 81786 by dipsta on 2006-02-19 13:00:00

Here is the long awaited dump valve fitting guide i promised some of you. Tken from PFS parts for volvo online! Atmospheric Dump Valve & Fitting Kit This fitting kit allows fitment of a Forge FMDV004 atmospheric dump valve (included) to be fitted in place of the standard recirculating item. Fits: S70, C70 & V70 to 2000 850 NB: Hose Colour is Black price £149.99 What you get in the kit? You get a t piece hose section custom fit for the v70R, a dump valve, recirculating blanking plate and silicone vac cum hose. Image Ok the fitting of the kit is quite simple and shouldn't take longer than an hour or so to do. You need basic mechanic skills to do it and fitting is at your own risk, its fairly easy but awkward to do. Tools required: set of spanners and sockets, flat screwdriver, stanley knife, Step 1. Remove old hose section from induction hose, by unscrewing the 2 jubilee clips that hold this on. Keeps the clips we need them now to fit on the new hose. Fit the new hose and the dump valve as shown in the picture. There you have it step 1 complete, so so easy! Image Step 2. We now need to remove the old recirc valve which looks like this. Image It has a section of vaccum hose from the vaccum tree as in picture 1 Pull this off the top of the recirc valve. The valve was difficult to see so i'll show you through numerous photos where its located. Note that the picture shows the new blanking plate but you'll be albe to see where it goes. Image Image Image There it is! Step 3. Right like i said befor the old recirc valve is difficult to get to. You may have to remove the heat shield and stuff to get at it. But i have small hands and managed to get away without doing it. Now i cant remember but its either a 10mm or 8mm bolt that holds this on. Theres 3 of them. so whip it off and dont drop the bolts. Step 4. You'll have to clean the surface where the blanking plate fits so get some light sandpaper and rub the old mount where the valve used to sit til you can see its clean and shiny. Step 5. Fit the new blanking plate with the 3 bots you removed earlier. Step 6. Now you can use the old vac hose which used to sit on the old dump valve to fit onto the top of your new one. Mine was a little old and torn. Remove the vac tree guard, plastic cover. I removed the old hose which ran back to the vaccum tree which is uder the plastic guard as shown in pic 1. Step 7. Cut a piece of hose from your new vaccum hose and make sure it has enough length to fit the vaccum tree. Then fit to top of new valve and to the tree. Step 8. Refit all the bits you removed vac tree cover, heat shield etc. You should only have 3 bits left over the old hoses and the old valve. Step 9. Fire her up! Warm up then give it a rev, should dump nicely, mine started to get a bit louder after a couple of hours driving needs to wear in a little i think. Thats it guys hope it helps. Some people hate the sound but i love it. Its like marmite then! link to vid clip showing valve working when idle! had to get my mum to rev the car so i could do the camera no laughing ok!! She's useless [COLOR=Purple]Click here to watch V0-dump-valve[/COLOR] Finished product! Image

Post 82521 by madness on 2006-02-21 17:36:47

question- do you have a boost guage and does it hold boost properly?

Post 82668 by dipsta on 2006-02-22 00:47:25

no i dont have a gauge why would fitting this make the cars boost pressure unstable? seems to be ok no hinderance with regards to performance!

Post 82700 by madness on 2006-02-22 11:53:44

possibly especially with rica.

Post 90828 by vauxnut on 2006-03-20 10:54:41

Hi, would this fitting guide be same for 850 T5? I know their both pretty similar. Cheers

Post 90832 by fraz13 on 2006-03-20 11:10:53

Its the same set up as all 850's mid '94 on, S70's and classic V70's

Post 603867 by Plodmonkey on 2013-05-08 15:09:22

is their anyway to get the pictures back on this thread so I can do mine please

Post 603897 by nobananas on 2013-05-08 20:05:47

[QUOTE=PUNTO60s;603867]is their anyway to get the pictures back on this thread so I can do mine please[/QUOTE] Don't think so mate, this thread is 7 years old, don't think the author is still a member.

Post 652314 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:02:49

[QUOTE=Plodmonkey;603867]is their anyway to get the pictures back on this thread so I can do mine please[/QUOTE] Sorry for the translation because the tutorial is mine and is in french at the start. Kit dump valve BAILEY DV26+kit FK80(Tee).Buy on MOTORBLING Ebay UK. 1- Remove all power to the right of the hose . Nothing out, it's just get on a slide . 2- Remove the hose. 2 necklaces to remove aevc a screwdriver or socket 7mm . 3- Presentation Kit FK 80 is simply unequal tee alu.Although identifying the place that will take the tee in the hose . Here I made the tape. As I decided not to remove 2 or 3cm hose to let pass the small part of the tee I draw a line with the tape to well cut right to cutter . -4 - ATTENTION HERE ! I made ​​a mistake in identifying the hole that I was going to pass the small part of the tee. You must tilt the hole 60 ° , approximately , for a time the dump valve mounted does not bother closing the hood . So I put a tape on each cut hoses, use a socket the same diameter as the small portion of the tee and route for power cut. -5- cutting checks to cuter.On installation ( so then I made ​​a mistake because the first cut is perpendicular to the hose horizontal position . So I did another hole at 60 ° to the intake manifold ! With this cut , you have loss of material , to finally get what I wanted anyway. Replacing the complete hose. [ATTACH=CONFIG]22744[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22745[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22746[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22747[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22748[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22749[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22750[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22751[/ATTACH]

Post 652315 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:06:56


Post 652316 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:07:56


Post 652319 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:18:50

-6 - To remove the triangular plate of the original dump valve and replace it , you must remove the upper hoses and hose. -7 - Removing the air duct on the flowmeter . -8 - Removing the hose on the wastegate . -9 - Removing the reverse and the silicone hose. -10 - Removal of two aluminum heat shields . 12mm socket - 4 screws I think. -11 - Removing the triangular plate , three 10mm screws . The two top screws can be removed fairly easily. The bottom is more difficult. -7 - Removing the air duct on the flowmeter . -8 - Removing the hose on the wastegate . -9 - Removing the reverse and the silicone hose. -10 - Removal of two aluminum heat shields . In looking over (towards the windscreen ) the right screw can be removed with a small ratchet and a small 10mm socket . The left screw can be removed with a wrench to eye . The screws on the underside is a nightmare to remove if you do not have a pit or deck ! It took me almost one hour to successfully pass the arm through the turbo to this screw. I managed to remove it with a wrench . Here is what it looks like once removed and the face we see better support of the triangular plate -12 - Position the new plate by putting the top screws first. Since you managed to remove the screws from the bottom , the winding is " a little easier ." The plate is in place and that is that there has to be longer in fact. -13 - Winding plate heat shield and reverse . [ATTACH=CONFIG]22778[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22779[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22780[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22781[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22782[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22783[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22784[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22785[/ATTACH]

Post 652323 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:30:59


Post 652327 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:35:14


Post 652328 by rise94 on 2013-10-13 16:39:31

-14 - To the inlet side of the manifold. Here there are three hoses connected. Left and orange, you need to access the disconnected to that in the bottom right. The top one is set can be avoided if we take it off. Remove the hose clamp on the bottom right, a little misery here! The hose you just removed is connected to the original triangular plate you just removed. -15 - Put the new hose supplied in the kit and put the collar clip. -16 - Here there is a long length of hose durite.Cette must connect the dump valve, so let the length you want. [ATTACH=CONFIG]22794[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22795[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22796[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22797[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22798[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22799[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22800[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]22801[/ATTACH] Sorry for the translation if it's not good. And sorry for the long post.. I wanted to put everything in one post, but home is not possible.

Post 652362 by Dangerous Dave on 2013-10-13 18:08:41

Brilliant how to there mate :D :D The RHD cars have a bit more room to the side of the engine to get the recirc valve off as the brake booster/servo is on the other side, but the LHD cars have more room above the turbo which is nice.