Mod standard grill on 1998 V70


Post 82228 by stuAWD on 2006-02-20 19:54:21

Lift your bonnet, slide out the 5 clips at the rear of the grill, grill should push out. Then with a spiky thing carefully prise off the the four spring clips holding the Volvo name badge on, try to be gentle, and you will find you can reuse the clips (save you a trip the ironmongers). There is a rubber seal round the outer edge of the grill, if you want remove this you can, but you will have to use some sort of adhesive or double sided tape to replaceit (I left mine in situ and taped over it with some thin lining masking tape). Next comes the tedious bit, check for any imperfections in the grill if there are any which is unlikely, fill them with body filler. Then rub the whole thing down front back and between the ribs using fine wet & dry emery.(tedious but worth it). Using spray paint suitable for plastic surfaces, primer 2 coats minimum, colour coat 2 coats minimum & then laquer 2 coats minimum. Leave to dry and cure overnight, refit. The four spring clips that hold the name-plate on, turn them flat side down on flat surface and flatten the centres back into position before refitting them. After gritter episode (got blasted with a gritter on M61) I used Hammerite stone chip shield to repair the damage. The hammerite has turned out be just the finish I was after in the first place, although it looks little rough in places, but thats me being in hurry with the prep. I have not coated the hammerite with laquer, left it as finished job. Road test over the next few weeks, will post results.