Post 90159 by Liddo on 2006-03-17 15:03:48
How the HELL to I get my drop links off???? Tried undoing the nuts, but the whole thread spins :( Help pleeeeaasseeeeeeeeeeee
How the HELL to I get my drop links off???? Tried undoing the nuts, but the whole thread spins :( Help pleeeeaasseeeeeeeeeeee
i,m sure you'll find flats on the other side for an open ended spanner :) then again its been that long since i,ve done them i could be wrong lol mike j
Yes there are flats on the otherside. You've just got to push the rubber boot back a bit and wiggle the spanner on.
Liddo your not getting off to a good start with this new car mate , had a few issues already i believe.Must be all those roundabouts in skem lol :B_steerin
Just done my droplinks this week, was a piece of piss.....Dropped it off at my mates garage, and he rang me when they were done, never scuffed my knuckes or nuffin!! Darren
[QUOTE=Daz T5]Just done my droplinks this week, was a piece of piss.....Dropped it off at my mates garage, and he rang me when they were done, never scuffed my knuckes or nuffin!! Darren[/QUOTE] Thanks for that ;)
[QUOTE=Daz T5]Just done my droplinks this week, was a piece of piss.....Dropped it off at my mates garage, and he rang me when they were done, never scuffed my knuckes or nuffin!! Darren[/QUOTE] There's always one. LMSO
[QUOTE=mikej]Liddo your not getting off to a good start with this new car mate , had a few issues already i believe.Must be all those roundabouts in skem lol :B_steerin[/QUOTE] Well, I've got issues with my steering, and at £35 all in for the Drop Links, it'd be rude not to replace them ;) BTW, I dont think they needed replacing, cos there's no play in them at all, but, hey ho, n all that. At least me bump stops are all greased up. Gonna get the rack replaced soon, and the lil dent on the rear quarter sorted, then the £100 :jaw: strip across the door and window, then she'll be mint :D