BSR PPC vs. RICA help


Post 100613 by mhon72 on 2006-04-20 12:51:55

Yes, it's that old chestnut again! :slap: But I'd like some honest feedback from the forum about a Stage 1 upgrade for a 2000 S60 2.3 T5 with Geartronic. I know most people have gone with RICA and on paper their gains are impressive (albeit taken with a pinch of salt). What's the experience out there with the BSR PPC? The gains are lower but the concept sounds great being able to upgrade the ECU with the latest download from BSR anytime. However, I'm a little sceptical as to how often new software will become available and whether this will tail off as model ranges become obsolete. As an aside, anyone out aware if the Geartronic can be made to perform better? Are there any ECU upgrades for this? Look forward to the forum's comments.

Post 100634 by Wobbly Dave on 2006-04-20 15:21:10

First of, welcome to the Site. I think that the popularity of the RICA software speaks volumes. BSR - I am not so sure. Why would you need future upgrades if the software was right in the first place? What's in the upgrades - fault fixes? And even if the RICA is to be taken with a pinch of salt I still think you'll be getting more of out it. You'll be gald to know that there is a geartronic upgrade for your transmission ECU - but I dont know the specifics - so ring the dealers and I am sure that they will be able to help you.

Post 100643 by Simon on 2006-04-20 15:41:10

There are a lot of BSR upgrades around as well :D

Post 100681 by jimka on 2006-04-20 18:45:16

am i right in saying with the BSR upgrade you can change the settings in the car...? i like the idea of being able to have it stock somedays... when i want to see the countyside and uprated on others... another view would be in the snow to degrade the performance and on a summers-day increase it... is this possible?

Post 100689 by mickys60t5 on 2006-04-20 19:06:04

[QUOTE=jimka]am i right in saying with the BSR upgrade you can change the settings in the car...? i like the idea of being able to have it stock somedays... when i want to see the countyside and uprated on others... another view would be in the snow to degrade the performance and on a summers-day increase it... is this possible?[/QUOTE] hi yes it is possible you can take of the power just as easy as you put it on when ever you want where ever you want and it only takes minutes can be very handy if other people use the car as well :jaw:

Post 100692 by mickys60t5 on 2006-04-20 19:13:18

[QUOTE=mhon72]Yes, it's that old chestnut again! :slap: But I'd like some honest feedback from the forum about a Stage 1 upgrade for a 2000 S60 2.3 T5 with Geartronic. I know most people have gone with RICA and on paper their gains are impressive (albeit taken with a pinch of salt). What's the experience out there with the BSR PPC? The gains are lower but the concept sounds great being able to upgrade the ECU with the latest download from BSR anytime. However, I'm a little sceptical as to how often new software will become available and whether this will tail off as model ranges become obsolete. As an aside, anyone out aware if the Geartronic can be made to perform better? Are there any ECU upgrades for this? Look forward to the forum's comments.[/QUOTE] hi i have the bsr ppc and it is spot on and the gains are very good just because there seem to be more rica fans here does not mean rica is better you cant put it on or take it of when you want to even if you dont it is still an extra option i would like to see a rica against a bsr on the road not on paper :jaw:

Post 100708 by mikezero on 2006-04-20 20:18:01

[QUOTE=mickys60t5]hi i have the bsr ppc and it is spot on and the gains are very good just because there seem to be more rica fans here does not mean rica is better you cant put it on or take it of when you want to even if you dont it is still an extra option i would like to see a rica against a bsr on the road not on paper :jaw:[/QUOTE] well said mate, i would luv to bsr vs rica on the road aswell, not some tuners dyno!

Post 100731 by hamish on 2006-04-20 21:24:33

[QUOTE=mikezero]well said mate, i would luv to bsr vs rica on the road aswell, not some tuners dyno![/QUOTE] Hi, Please don't forget that we at Chip Tuning Ltd as well as being 'RICA UK' are also agents for BSR. Please don't try and turn this thread into the usual 'Tuner War'. Both are very good products are equally good in there own way. For example RICA 'majors' in the quality of it's software, BSR has a very clever interface, RICA can tune everything, BSR doesn't. The pros and cons are endless and we don't at Chip Tuning always recommend RICA ! With regards to be able to turn your tune off for a Sunday drive or in snow and ice, please remember 1 thing the accelerator pedal works both ways ! If a car has been properly mapped as with RICA and BSR it does not become some uncontrollable monster that just wants to f off every time you look at the accelerator pedal. What I am certain about is tuning from a 'Jiffy' bag is a bad idea, if you do take the BSR route take your car to a professional beforehand get the car fault code read and checked out. Also be very aware that Serial Port Reprogramming is not without it's hazards and it is all too easy for even the experienced to turn a car into a 'paper weight' ! So in sumary: RICA is good BSR is good Which is best for you ? Don't know ! Give me a call at Chip Tuning and I'll try not to confuse you ! Get it fitted by a pro and don't muck around turning it on and off, use the accelerator pedal properly ! Regards, Hamish. Chip Tuning Ltd. Tel:o1527 577710 P.S. With regards the BSR v RICA 'road race' I know where I'd place my 'bet' !

Post 100796 by mikezero on 2006-04-20 23:39:32

Please don't try and turn this thread into the usual 'Tuner War'.
im not starting anything mate! lol, the only people that turn these type of threads in "tuner wars" are guess who, the tuners!.
P.S. With regards the BSR v RICA 'road race' I know where I'd place my 'bet' !
which is the best then in your opinion?, (some points to why X is best, would be nice)

Post 100799 by mhon72 on 2006-04-20 23:54:28

[QUOTE=hamish]Hi, Please don't forget that we at Chip Tuning Ltd as well as being 'RICA UK' are also agents for BSR. Please don't try and turn this thread into the usual 'Tuner War'. Both are very good products are equally good in there own way. For example RICA 'majors' in the quality of it's software, BSR has a very clever interface, RICA can tune everything, BSR doesn't. The pros and cons are endless and we don't at Chip Tuning always recommend RICA ! With regards to be able to turn your tune off for a Sunday drive or in snow and ice, please remember 1 thing the accelerator pedal works both ways ! If a car has been properly mapped as with RICA and BSR it does not become some uncontrollable monster that just wants to f off every time you look at the accelerator pedal. What I am certain about is tuning from a 'Jiffy' bag is a bad idea, if you do take the BSR route take your car to a professional beforehand get the car fault code read and checked out. Also be very aware that Serial Port Reprogramming is not without it's hazards and it is all too easy for even the experienced to turn a car into a 'paper weight' ! So in sumary: RICA is good BSR is good Which is best for you ? Don't know ! Give me a call at Chip Tuning and I'll try not to confuse you ! Get it fitted by a pro and don't muck around turning it on and off, use the accelerator pedal properly ! Regards, Hamish. Chip Tuning Ltd. Tel:o1527 577710 P.S. With regards the BSR v RICA 'road race' I know where I'd place my 'bet' ![/QUOTE] Cheers, Hamish. I'll pick your brains next week when I'm up to have my Konis fitted.

Post 100803 by blackbooty on 2006-04-21 00:56:00

[QUOTE=hamish]Hi, Please don't forget that we at Chip Tuning Ltd as well as being 'RICA UK' are also agents for BSR. Please don't try and turn this thread into the usual 'Tuner War'. Both are very good products are equally good in there own way. For example RICA 'majors' in the quality of it's software, BSR has a very clever interface, RICA can tune everything, BSR doesn't. The pros and cons are endless and we don't at Chip Tuning always recommend RICA ! With regards to be able to turn your tune off for a Sunday drive or in snow and ice, please remember 1 thing the accelerator pedal works both ways ! If a car has been properly mapped as with RICA and BSR it does not become some uncontrollable monster that just wants to f off every time you look at the accelerator pedal. What I am certain about is tuning from a 'Jiffy' bag is a bad idea, if you do take the BSR route take your car to a professional beforehand get the car fault code read and checked out. Also be very aware that Serial Port Reprogramming is not without it's hazards and it is all too easy for even the experienced to turn a car into a 'paper weight' ! So in sumary: RICA is good BSR is good Which is best for you ? Don't know ! Give me a call at Chip Tuning and I'll try not to confuse you ! Get it fitted by a pro and don't muck around turning it on and off, use the accelerator pedal properly ! Regards, Hamish. Chip Tuning Ltd. Tel:o1527 577710 P.S. With regards the BSR v RICA 'road race' I know where I'd place my 'bet' ![/QUOTE] Be seeing you soon for a RICA mate. wayne

Post 100814 by jimka on 2006-04-21 08:41:08

good reply hamish.. will have to speak to you at some point when the penny's have saved enough...

Post 100824 by Simon on 2006-04-21 09:22:03 introduced the BSR PPC to the U.K. over 2 years ago and have sold more PPC's than all other PPC reseller's combined in the U.K. so they do have some experience of the product. :wink: