Remote locking key fob


Post 101854 by volvonutt5 on 2006-04-24 15:50:42

Anyone know how to programme a new remote central locking key fob used on a 1996 850 T5., The type with one button for locking /unlocking & a panic button in the middle

Post 101858 by splatt on 2006-04-24 16:05:00 There you go....Search and you will find!! I think the module will only accept 3 alarm fobs

Post 102285 by T5ER on 2006-04-25 22:06:35

turn ignition on and off 5 times or so wait untill you see the alarm light on the dash start flashing mad press lock/unlock button and then the other fob within 10 seconds but make sure the fob is compatable as there are 2 types and they both look the same