Joined on 2008-07-31 00:27:00
Threads Created
birmingham meet
BIG oil use
18t wanted
850 engine
kumo tyres
16 t
royal mail
new ish tow bar
ram air filter
help with trac's
855 gearbox
help with abs ecu needed asap
dump valve
855 r grey
Merry Christmas & a Happynew 2009 to you all
front and rear dampers
car show
well back in work
wanted 360 volvo
mpg on 340
bumer lost job
cheered self up
front R bumper
855 t5 must sell
855 gear box
340 dim dip
wanted tow bar for 340
wanted pitures of 340 tow bar
hi all im back but need feed back
760 3Lv6 wat mods
dip beam
340 gl for sale
im back !!!
s40 cutting out
sort of car chat
fitted new devil eye head lights
old wheels or new
pre 2000 wiring diagram needed