Joined on 2005-10-19 20:20:00
Threads Created
V70R saffron M23 7/7/06
Appeal for needy VPCUK cause....
Date sorted - Salisbury Meet Sunday 8th October 2006
TRAX track-time thread - Very short deadline! (and general TRAX update!)
Turquoise 850R estate broken down + AA Van! A120 nr Braintree
Stupid me.... wtf have I done!
On the road....
Spare TRAX tickets up for grabs for this Sunday at Silverstone! - FREE!
How to blow a monkey...
The post-TRAX thread and piccie dump :)
adjusting idle?
Think before you that domain name... lol!
Something you just HAVE to know!
East Anglia / South East meet @ The Talbot, North Weald, 2nd wkend of December :)
Essex evening midweek mini-meet, Half Way House, nr Brentwood. Short notice!
Been out with my car, cleaning kit, and camera :) blatant yellow pic spam.....
Charity relay... erm 2007?
Drifting beemer drive all goes a bit wrong!