brett craig
Joined on 2008-07-03 08:47:08
Threads Created
new problem but same problem
rica fitment
electronic boost controller
hose size
850 grill
dash bulbs
S60 alloy
rica question
pcv part
intercooler hose
best boost gauge
lamba signal wire
impressed with the old bus
rica 304
t5 airbox
850 t5
S70T5 tuning
S70 parts
new car
steering wheel
dump valve
release bearing
Damn lamba light
Wheel centres
injector rail cover
Dash bulbs
How often ?
short dump
Bloody hell !!!!
960 throttle body
bought me one of these
spoiler question
how to drive
Damn f***ing car
brake drone
bonnet release handle
happy days
hose clamps
turbo stalling
boost figures
bcs and inter hose
in a week
maf bcs testing
need a swap
anyone near to derby
rear bumper
Feelers out
pct towbar
urgent bcs required
310bhp from a dumpvalve !!