Joined on 2008-07-03 11:59:21
Threads Created
Can anyone tell me if a Y reg car come's under the new tax law's?
Fuel price's to be cut!
Is this as good as a having a V5
Whats the more mechanicaly reliable out of these two?
Can you put vids from You Tube onto disc?
I heard on the news today about t time that tesco ect were reducing fuel..
Legal advice needed!
Does this sound like its the PNP switch?
Is he having a laugh!!
Just about to buy an 850 T5 from a member...
Is this just to dodgy..
Seatbelt I got doesnt fit!!
Is this normal
A few inchs of snow and everything stops!
Insurance...what would you do...
Saw this setup on a car ad, what is it?
Do you really need n/c's protection?
To much oil in autobox
Can you get these in 15's?
Does anyone suffer from Vertigo...
What are these cars like..
Return of the troops..
Can worn tyres cause this..
Clock wont hold the time...
I'm at my wits end with this...
Headlights dont work from switch
Whats the opinion of these?
How easy or hard is to fix the turbo return valve
My god!!
What do think of this?
Petrol's seemingly going up
How quick (or not) is a 2.5 10 valve 850 auto?
Worth it or not..
Thought about another T5 est....then got an ins quote!!
Does this sound any good?
T5 or T5R....decsions decisions....
Radiator warning light
Would you let colour put you off buying?
Whats the opinions on these
Is this worth it?
Whats the best way fix badly rusted wheel arches?
Buy new or repair!?
This is uncanny (if thats the right term yo use)
Is it worth paying double just to have an R ?
Dont know if I'm putting this in the right place or not
Is this anyone from here
Samsung S3 or iphone 4s
Wary about an mot
Are V70 2.5 10v any good
What's this bit called again
Is a 99 V70 auto est with 250k worth 700
Can I use v power ect instead of injector cleaner
What battery does the 850 fob's not a CR2025
C02 is to high....will it be a lambda, if so, what one
What would you do in this situation
Removing "850" badge from back....what a pita
What's going on with the rd tax
I think it might have been a stupid idea
Is a V70 2.5 tdi a bit ott for doing deliveries
Abs judder but no warning light
Just to ask if this is anyone on here