Joined on 2008-07-06 13:58:29
Threads Created
You can run but you cant hide
Changing headlight bulbs a how to....
Being thanked in threads ???
Parts washers
Boost problem i think....
cant stop crying..... devastated !!!
Bad day for Volvo
Oh Bottom !... Got NiP'd
Sympathy Required....
Now this is a barn find !!
Mottram old Rd white T5
Speed Awareness course
Heres how to complain...
Could you lend me £80k ????
Hattersley red 850... black D5
This is disgusting....
S60 handling options
QBM Converstion
New woman
intercooler damage
C.V Help
Manchester warning....
S60 head unit / general ICE help
Oh God.. help me someone....
New Forum Rule .. please read
OOPPSSS I went and did it !!!!
Take a moment
So What next ?
Turbo Chatter
Interested in peoples thoughts.. drugs
Petrol.. who's is who's ?
Is it me .. or is it the car ?
turbo control valve.. how do i fit it ?
Any toxicologist on here ?
Big Scare last night.....
The "Tim Williams" Intercooler
£100,000 robbery !
What did you get at HLM Dyno Day ?
Confession Time
Wizz air - dont use !!
Can I have some help please ?
Nearly put it up for sale
Am I Insane ?
Intergrale Vs T5
insect help.....
Israels Blockade of Gazza
haha.. stupid little brat
One for the pagens
Glass Fibre Varnishing
Every member please read
Danger reverse sensors !
N Reg T5 M67
old skool day today
Turbo Vs Super charger ?
Driving Abroad - Advice
Promo Vid... thoughts.... ?
XC90 Buyers advice please
XC90 Face lift parts
Street Racer which car ?