Joined on 2005-01-05 20:28:00
Threads Created
- locked ?
- M42 new and very 'dangerous' speed cameras
- Unlucky or just rather unobservent.
- Bad Taste ?
- some fun :)
- My car has a cloaking device !
- T5 or not T5 that is the question
- Tired of those peasant cars hogging the fast lane ??
- V70 T5 auto estate for sale ( Oct 1997)
- Green 850R in B and Q / Dreams car park Hereford
- Headlight glass replacement on 1998 V70
- Interesting fuel economy result D5 on a run ?
- Some basic servicing on an S60 D5
- The ABS E.C.U fix again !
- Renewed enthusiasm for my 97 T-5 estate
- Scum Run , ever considerd doing it ?
- First the heating now the hot water is this lucky week !
- Judge's Videos
- Off to the A10 cafe this morn !
- To flush or not to flush ? S60 D5
- Brake Pad change advice 97 V70 T5
- V70 AWD engine question ?
- 225/55 instead of 225/45 tyres on S60 ?
- How about I buy a cheep T4 or do I RICA the D5 ?
- Anyone here going to Le Mans 24
- Confession re the filthy state of my mile muncher
- Cost of a remap must it be 400 pounds ?
- Praise for ' auto-paint of st.helens '
- Arent these quite sought after ?
- Classic cars on Hertford Heath 1st Sunday every month pics
- S60 D5 strange starting problem advice please
- Herts Cambs and East Anglia meet 23rd May 2010
- Help locating starter motor please
- Scumrun 2011 VPUK team(s)
- V70 T5 brake pads which ones ?
- V40 diesel , ' Rare as rocking horse poo ' ?
- I just bought a cheep runabout don't laugh !
- Petrol lawnmower engine sad question !
- 2002 S60 D5 auto 'ring gear' repairs continues
- 2002 S60 D5 spares or repair would it sell ?
- Does my new non Volvo runabout run on fresh air ?
- Choosing a new automatic turbo diesel
- Hertford Heath Classics on the Heath Sunday 04/07/10
- Remember the temporary Xsara TDI I bought 2 weeks ago ?
- 960 headgasket replacement North London ?
- Potential cheep mark 2 T4 ?
- How many rechargeable batteries in your house ?
- How cheap can classic and performance cars really get ?
- Phase 2 T4 correct engine code / identification ?
- Is this defo a phase 2 please peeps
- How would you go about modifying a T4 ?
- V70 wheel nuts are they the same as 850 ones
- V70 AWD change over year 2000 to 'R' type 4WD system
- Advice please : Giving the old girl a 'T-Cut' ( but not with T-Cut)
- 1998 V70 T5 Est Auto with low miles, for sale soon
- Vehicle lifts ramps etc for home ?
- Location of any 'social' VPCUK forum users
- V70 (87) bonnet release problem help needed
- Advertisers using artistic license ?
- XC-70 D5 , against XC-90 any opinions, experiences ?
- Door removal Torx bits or other ?
- Has Norovirus struck near you this winter ?
- I finally took the plunge so you'd better all be proud of me !
- Posting a discount code , is it appropriate
- Bit of 87 V70 T5 pre pad change clarification please.
- T4 to tinker with for a few quid ?
- Jacking v70 properly , a lesson in itself ?
- 1999 V70 TDI on E-Bay
- non Volvo but my starter motor 'started' playing up today
- Euro Car Parts are doing 20 percent off again
- 7mm hex might be worth checking you have one 'before' doing brakes
- Help please pad change on V70 T5 didnt go well & now problem
- Help please pad change on V70 T5 didnt go well & now problem
- 30 percent off again at Euro C.P worth a go
- The speedy Swede has been retired ! , but may live on.
- 97 T5 estate ABS ECU requirement ?
- My wobbly extension story , whose got one or even heard of one ?
- Breaking a car getting rid of the 'shell' etc
- My new man creche , I mean workshop
- Checking the reluctor rings question
- Does anybody have their V70 insured as Classic or cherished ?
- V70 T5 97 N/S headlight glass & wiper arms etc
- V70 ARB drop links are they sided ?
- 1997 t5 oil filter options ?
- Door removal electrical connection won't budge ?
- No more clicky door for me but it had its moments
- V70 2.5 is this an error ?
- Just adding the final 'prestige enhancing' mod now she's ready to go !
- cheap t5 near me on flea bay for parts etc
- V70 R project on Flea Bay
- T5 estate of the Bay seems good for parts ?
- 850 t5 Amwell car boot Ware today ?
- Anyone tried getting a cheap car trailer recently ? not easy.
- Cars we've owned or " the sublime to the ridiculous"
- My new toy, well rather old toy really I just couldnt help myself
- changing Japanese car stereo removal etc
- I'm still alive and missing my T5 ( and VPCUK) .....