Joined on 2005-01-13 14:57:47
Threads Created
Woohoo and hello!
speedo and mileage
Oil lights
Automatic dipped headlights
DIY 0-60 times and 1/4 miles
V70 Bi-fuel
850 T5 and a pipe!
Tips to go faster! :)
One wheel drive 850? OWD? FWD/AWD/RWD?
Red Phase 2 T5 in Leam
Green debagded 855 T5 that I accosted at the lights in leam
Keep the kids busy with the latest LEGO car
Making a Custom ECU
Midlands clutch advice
same/ diiferent turquoise 850R?
Volvo Guard useless/ Does your Fuel Cap lock?
Add 25 bhp to your car
Should I sue the RAC? ALL HPI checks are in doubt!
Check the exhaust on the 850R - Awesome!
The SAS love old Volvos! [link]
Let's steal my car!
Judders on full throttle, RICA?
N00B - Changing the coolant - how?
Please don't do this to your alloys!!
Ebay, S70 Ex-plod, driven off a cliff?!
Pictures of my 855 T5
RWYB RAF Brize Norton
Ferrari and Aston Estate versions (pics)!
Camber adjustment
Where can I get some Valvoline?
ICE Howto
Day running lights - when it all goes wrong!
Urgent! *STUPID* air box (removal)
Scamps broke my wipers!
Mystery misfire!
Someone break into this S40!
Removing relays from under the dash - help!
Wiper arm & blade for sale, 99p
fuel filter advice
Lock gurus needed!
Identify the oil leak! Fun for all the family
History of the RainFro! :rainfro:
RWD C70/V70/S60 would you?
Fix for DIM/DIP! Switch off those lights once and for all! Easy!
DIY Headlight alignment
Adjusting headlights?
Land rovers
Silver/chroming poll
ETM and GT Buying questions
Bouncing 850!
On Board Diag FAQ
A good reason not to buy ex-police!
Idiot's guide to brakes
I nearly died today
Air intake removal
Highest mileage on an 850
Mixing engine oils
Avon park today
Pzorb's onboard video cam @ avon park
quick window glass question
Anyone been to Krakow?
How to reverse
Bird flu
New album recommendations
Preemptive engine work
Any bloggers out there?
Undercover mobile speed cameras
Dodgy t'internet
Dark S40 in Leam by Mirage
Custom bonnet pictures
Split locking wheel nut
Video: BBC Interviews wrong bloke live on TV
Automotive Engineering: Recommended reading
Private reg plate spacing vs the law
FK 60/40mm lowering springs
Back from the void!
Burgandy 855 with Samco stickers @ M40/A34/Botley
Finger scrapes on the bonnet! GRR!
Extra suspension parts
Alloy wheel vs PC - pictures & link
Diagnosis drop links
Spot what didn't arrive today
Bump stops
Split CV Boot kit - just replace the rubber
Go faster stripes! Oh my word
Weitec suspension scam?
Need KONI FSDs - will pay!
Anti-christ roll bar
Koni FSD + Eibach: Installed with pics
Green T5R N***KGK @ Caledonian road
280mm brakes being crap
Riding the clutch?
FAO barberecpw
Spot the dodgy motor
I hate public transport!
Recognise this?
Very cool music website
855 Biggest box in the boot
Look what I just bought :)
Custom full exhaust from manifold
I want this explod!
Holidaying in the UK? Where?!
Sad day - my 850R is for the scrap
19th Sept 855R Swap party!