Joined on 2009-01-29 15:52:40
Threads Created
Newbie looking for a T5
FWD/AWD differences?
Stereo "OFF"
96 850 AWD tow bar
Ignition switch needs a wiggle
AWD towbar?
AWD gear box oil change
Rear brake sticking on
Irwin the wonder tool!
Went Skiing in Glenshee
Halfords Roof box
All hail AWD
Well above and beyond...
Finally washed it
2.5 LPT Oil leak
Cross model alternator compatibility
Fitting a boost gauge to a LPT
Door handle replacement
Looks like someone is going to get a bargain
Volvo race wins?
Boot capacity, 740 saloon?
Stranded! bl00dy car
The Haynes manual lies!!
Spewing oil
Trying times
96 850 awd
Gates Powergrip timing belt
850 haynes manual
Returning to the fold....
Hi honey, I'm home!
Connecting iPod/iPhone to an s40
Managed finally to give it a wash
Diesel tuning boxes
Anti skid service needed