Joined on 2009-07-11 00:48:00
Threads Created
At last, finally joined..
Low Mileage 1995 E36/5 BMW 318ti Compact
New Simon's Cat video...
Flatout Phil - cheers mate :)
Which Blackberry?
Painted my V70 grill
Quick question about wheels..
Door Mirror glass...
What's this bit for? (airbox)
Breakfast, the most important meal of the day...
BT Broadband for a fiver a month..
P reg 850 T5 CD Auto, spares/repair or whatever..
P1 V70 dual climate/aircon malfunction
She's gone... just the one car now.
Green 850R Halfruads Foss Island York
P1 V70 rear numberplate lights not working
P1 V70 top rad pipe blew/broke off....
205 50 R16 Rims. What tyres are compatible?