Joined on 2009-10-15 21:41:10
Threads Created
Knocking front end!!
Not making the numbers...
power steerin
E-Bay strikes again!!
Fuelin' a RICA
Heartbreak Ridge on FiveUSA
Spark plug gaps
That will polish out!?!
ECU light still works fine... :(
Code read out
Lit up like a christmas tree
Front dampers or kit
One thing after another...
Cat pipe
Knock knock...
Idle issues
The sum of all fears
new bits on an old bit...
Is thinking Actuator is knacked...
Orange Injectors or similar
Apexi AVC-R
Injector change
Higher the gear, Higher the boost...
Tired damper??
Brake pipes
Shift mechanism
chav alert...
Yellow R - Pickering steam fair
850 T5 HT leads
Ugly has a new face...
Cheers to Mazed
Volvo gets a Ford engine
Doing my head in... Still...
Axle bush's or just an axle...
Doin 70 or could it be 82!!
A few questions...
Bike video *beware*
Anybody know about Astra's??
TB pipe...
850 t5 bits...
Good Vs Bad cars
Back in the game...
Steering pull...
CV boot change
Autobox oil change