Joined on 2010-10-16 10:29:00
Threads Created
More Boos from TDi (vw engine)
T5R Bumper wanted also any other pretty bits!!
18" or maybe 17" if they are nice Wheels wanted
I also got some new wheels lol
Grill mod
Is the old 40mm drop what i need?
Service Light Reset
17" wheels NEEDED!!!
Rear hub wanted asap
16" 17" wheels and tyres
855 TDi glt Olive green Or Swap
Advice + Olive green door r bumper
855 tdi for sale or swap c70 t5
half finished 8 x 12" 850 project?
c70 t5 manual conversion?
A Pault5estate in my rear view mirror
Black 855 t5r/r shrewsbury
C70 t5 98
Volvo 6 Disc changer
1998 C70 interior parts/ ICE wanted
Oscilloscope LG Goldstar
Universal style Roof bars
855 Tow Bar
C70 GT CD Changer cable :help:
Short throw shift mod
Are C70 and x70 interior mirror trims the same?
Amps Speakers Subs Power-Cap Wiring 4AWG
BMW 2002 530d M-Sport Estate
C70 t5 running problems
Recirc Blank off plate
Will 850 coilovers fit the c70?
Best colour for c70????
6 Speed GB conversion?
Dodgy Door Handles P1 c70
fun drive to work
98 C70 (pre ME7) coil upgrade???
Steering boss 850 the same as P1???
How Long are my Rods?
Which reverse tool for P1 rear brakes?
Sony Stereo Code
A Great speech from Iraq veteran
Admin assist please
Pre me7 idle probs
98 C70 Error codes
c70 electric window fuse???