Joined on 2005-04-18 09:27:16
Threads Created
Just when you thought youd got rid of me
Apparently i was spotted.....lol
Crashing rear suspension
So who thinks their car is a clean one????
Changing to aftermarket front fogs
OE front fogs 850 (1 damaged but easy repair)
Check your rear strut mounts.
02 sensors prices buying advice
Please Help fuel economy.....!
BHP figures........and WHP figures
Aftermarket Dump Valve and fitting kit
17" Volvo space saver spare wheel
What a great number plate
A great new link ive just found
Go on treat yourself to a new MAF sensor
Front Lambda sensor 5 wire type + Plug
Volvo Part number please.....help
Old favourite...engine light
Blow Off Valves???
Mystery noise....got us stumped
URGENT Alarm / fob issue
Volvo is going to Valhalla
Pair of 850 front fog lamps for sale.
Volvo 850 front wheel bearing
Volvo 850 original showroom brochure