Joined on 2011-06-07 09:35:05
Threads Created
Garage find...advice
Wanted : 16T Turbo & Exhaust
Sorry- wanted boost gauge
T5 R ECU in to a T5
Aftermarket boost gauge
strange cutting out issue
2005 Peugeot 206 1.1
this anyones on here...
Wanted : Standard 850 T5 16" alloys near Hull ;-)
whos got the lowest /highest mileage 850?
Alloy wheel repair around Hull - CHEAP!!!!
cleaning under your bonnet..help
Whats a 940S worth?
Would you swap a 850T5 for a C70 T5?
O M G Petrol Costs!
Just loving it....more when i have Rica!
Another MBC question
my friends Fiesta RS Turbo
pfs parts - free sweets!
weekend jobs - pcv system
Would parts of a R reg v70 T5 fit my 850?
Niles - you have a PM - SORRY EVERYONE ELSE!
help....glovebox wont open
thinking of selling my 850 t5 auto 74k