Joined on 2011-11-23 18:55:00
Threads Created
Xc90 struts mounts on s70r???
S70r to s60 d5
1998 volvo s70r
850/s70 bottom arms/ball joints
number for tomcat
fan staying on
Powerflow exhausts
Reverse intercooler setup
reverse INTERCOOLER. hard pipe
Gul 854
Silver s70r manaul
AP calipers
all changed
s70R balljoints/arms
back on the road
v50 flywheel..
how to get in contact with.ruf...
s70r handbrake cables
To break or not to break that is the question manual s70r
Possibly an 855r breaking
possibly buying an xc90.... what to look for???
v70 tdi hub fit my s70r??
Turbo control valve confusion
help required for revival of a gul 855
Help urgent hub for 70r advice
TCV Removal and replace with MBC???